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Silencing alerts in the UI

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You can easily silence/unsilence alerts attached to your existing SLOs using the Nobl9 UI.

Silence alerts​

Follow the steps below to silence an alert in the Nobl9 UI:

  1. Go to Service Level Objectives in the main navigation panel.

  2. In the SLO grid view, choose the SLO where you want to silence an alert, and click it.

  3. In the SLO details view, click Unsilence Alerts:

Image 1: (Un)silencing alerts in the UI
  1. In the pop-up window:

    1. Choose the alert policy for which you want to silence your alerts:
    choose alert policy
    Image 2: Choosing Alert policies
    1. Choose the relevant period in the Silence for section:
    Image 3: Selecting period for silence Alerts
    1. To apply a custom range for the alert silence period, click Custom Range and select the required dates in the calendar. Then click Click Apply.:
    Image 4: Selecting custom range for the alert silence period
    1. Click Silence to apply changes.

You can check the list of your silenced alerts by clicking (Un)Silence Alerts:

silenced alerts
Image 5: List of silenced alerts

If there are no alert policies assigned to an SLO and you want to silence/unsilence alerts, you will see the following tooltip once you click (Un)silence Alerts:


Scheduling alert silence​

Using custom range, you can schedule an alert silence in the future. To do that, click Custom Range and choose the required dates in the future. After applying changes, your scheduled alert silence appears in the (Un)Silence Alerts pop-up:

scheduled silence
Image 6: Scheduled alert silence

You can also see the list of all your silenced alerts in the right-hand details panel in the SLO details main view:

list of silenced alerts
Image 7: List of Silenced Alerts

Unsilence alerts​

Follow the steps below to unsilence an alert in the Nobl9 UI:

  1. Go to Service Level Objectives in the main navigation panel.

  2. In the SLO grid view, choose the SLO where you want to silence an alert and click it.

  3. In the SLO details view, click (Un)silence Alerts:

    Image 8: Managing silenced Alerts
  4. You will see a pop-up with a list of all silenced alerts for the SLO. You can:

    1. Choose alerts that you want to unsilence by clicking Unsilence Now, or
    2. Unsilence all silenced alerts at once by clicking Unsilence All:
    managing silenced alerts
    Image 9: Unsilencing Alerts

Managing alert silence​

You can monitor the statuses of your alert policies by checking the status icon displayed:

  • The (Un)Silence Alerts button:
button statuses
Image 10: Alert Statuses in the (Un)Silence Button
  • In the SLO details panel:
info panel
Image 11: Alert Statuses in the SLO details panel

The following is the description of the status icons you can see with (Un)Silence Alerts:

TriggeredNobl9 fired an alert since at least one alert policy was triggered for this SLO.This status takes precedence over all other statuses. If at least one alert policy is in the triggered state, (Un)Silence Alerts displays this status.
ResolvedAn alert that was triggered for this SLO is resolved now.This status is displayed for an hour after the time stamp of the alert resolution.
Not TriggeredThis SLO has no triggered alerts, or no alerts have Silence scheduled.This status appears when no alert policies are triggered / resolved / silenced / have no Silence scheduled.
SilencedThis SLO has at least one silenced alert policy. You will not receive any alerts for it until the end of the silence periodThis status takes precedence over Scheduled Silence.
Scheduled SilenceThis SLO has a Silence scheduled for at least one alert policy.This status activates when all alert policies are on the scheduled status, or when at least one alert policy has a Silence scheduled, and all others are Not Triggered.

The following is the description of the status icons in the SLO details panel (status icon, event severity, last triggered time):

TriggeredNobl9 fired an alert for this alert policy since it met the conditions of the alert policy.
ResolvedAlert(s) for this alert policy are resolved now. If alert policy's conditions are met again, Nobl9 will send you alerts for it.
Not TriggeredThere are no triggered alerts for this alert policy.
SilencedAlerts are silenced for this alert policy. You will not receive any alerts for it until the end of the Silence period.
Scheduled SilenceSilence is scheduled for this alert policy. When Silence is active, you will not receive any alerts for it until the end of the Silence period.

Silence alerts and RBAC​

Users with Organization Admin and Organization Responder roles or users with Project Owner/Editor or Project Responder roles assigned to a project where SLO belongs can add or remove silence on an alert.

Read more about role-based access control.