Nobl9 application (1.115.0)
- More precise budget adjustment duration
- Alerting center sort and filtering
- Enhanced annotation metadata
Release detailsโ
new Error Budget Status reports email deliveryโ
Nobl9 now offers expanded options for sharing reports. In addition to publishing, report owners can now configure email delivery of Error Budget Status reports, including recipient selection, flexible scheduling (one-time or recurring), and management of active delivery schedules.

new Access to all query parameter valuesโ
Now you can view all query parameters on the data source and SLO details pages. These parameters provide insights into how Nobl9 interacts with your data sources:
- Query delay: The time Nobl9 waits before sending a query.
- Query interval: How frequently Nobl9 queries the data source.
- Jitter: The time range within which Nobl9 randomizes query execution.
- Timeout: How long Nobl9 waits for a response after sending a query.

While the query delay value can be customized for your data source, the other parameters are displayed for informational purposes only and reflect your data source defaults.
improved More precise budget adjustment durationโ
We've increased the precision for budget adjustment durations. The spec.duration
field now requires a minimum duration of 1 minute and must be specified with a 1-second precision using a string formatted as a time duration (e.g., 1h10m30s
improved Alerting center sort and filteringโ
This release includes user experience improvements to the Alerting center.
Now, you can group the heatmap by resource:
- Project
- Service
- Alert policy

And filter alerts in the heatmap based on their severity:
- High
- Medium
- Low

improved Annotation metadataโ
Annotations now include the author's name, providing more context alongside the creation time and covered period.
fixed SLI Analyzer handling of missing data in ratio metricsโ
If one of the queries in your ratio metric analysis returns no data, or if the numerator and denominator queries return the same result, SLI Analyzer will now display the following message: No data available for one of the time series. To get analysis results, create a new analysis with a different query or try a different time range.