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Deploy the Nobl9 agent

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See how to deploy the Nobl9 agent using various methods.

When you add a new agent via UI or sloctl, Nobl9 automatically generates a Kubernetes configuration in YAML and a Docker command line for you.

Those configurations are available in the Integrations > Sources tab, in the respective agent configuration tabs under Details.

Deploy the agent in Kubernetes

If you have a running Kubernetes cluster, you can copy and paste the generated YAML into your Kubernetes configuration to deploy the Nobl9 agent in your cluster.

Kubernetes invocation UI
Image 1: Kubernetes deployment command

Be sure to swap in your own credentials (e.g., <API_TOKEN>, <CREDENTIALS_FILE>); instructions in the UI specify what credentials need to be passed, and these differ depending on the data source.

Deploy the agent in a Docker container

Docker command line is generated automatically for you to use to deploy the agent. The following is a generic example of what you can see in the UI:

Be sure to swap in your own credentials (e.g., <API_TOKEN>, <CREDENTIALS_FILE>); instructions in the UI specify what credentials need to be passed.

Docker invocation UI
Image 2: Docker invocation for the Nobl9 agent

Check the agent connection in the UI

To verify that the agent has successfully connected to Nobl9, check for a valid timestamp in the Last Connection field in the UI.

Agent status UI
Image 3: Agent connection status in the UI

The Connected status does not indicate that the agent is connected to the specified data source, only that it has successfully established a connection to the Nobl9 backend.

Great job! Go to the agent metrics module to learn more about agent's endpoints or jump to the Create your first SLO section.