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Add annotations

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See how to add annotations to your SLO.
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When you experience any outstanding event related to your services, it can be helpful to add a note about what happened and have that live alongside your metrics. You can also leverage annotations to record and track recent or upcoming deployments and hotfixes.


With Nobl9 system annotations feature, you can see an annotation added to the SLO objective charts by default each time an alert is triggered or resolved (they are displayed regardless of whether an alert policy is silenced). For more detailed information, refer to the SLO annotations documentation.



The Nobl9 SLO annotations are stored for one year.
The maximum number of characters per annotation is 1000.

Adding annotations

Follow these steps to add annotations to your existing SLOs using Nobl9 UI:

  1. Go to the Service Level Objectives page.
  2. In the SLO grid view, select the SLO to which you want to add your annotation and open the details view by clicking its name.
  3. Hover over any of the charts, choose a relevant time point on any of the above charts and click it.

  4. In the SLO details view, you can add annotations in the SLI Chart, the Reliability Burn Down chart, and the Error Budget Burn Rate chart.

  5. In the annotation pop-up window, add a description, and specify the start date and end date.

    • The Start date and the End date fields are pre-filled with values that you selected by clicking the chart. You can change them by clicking on the calendar icon.
    • If the Start date = End date, the annotation is displayed as a single point in the chart.
    • If the End date is later than the Start date, the annotation is displayed as a greyed-out area in your chart.

    The added annotations are populated and are displayed on every chart in the SLO details view.

  6. Click Add Annotation.

Deleting annotations

Follow these steps to delete your annotations in the UI:

  1. In the SLO details, hover over the annotation that you want to delete.
  2. Once the annotation details pop up, hover over the annotation that you want to delete.
  3. Click the trash bin, then click Delete to confirm.

Check out the configuration video:

Video 1: Managing SLO annotations
Great job! You now know how to manage annotations in the Nobl9 UI!