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Get started with Terraform

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See how to get your Nobl9 Terraform provider going.


To use the Nobl9 Terraform provider, you must install Terraform. Refer to the Terraform documentation for detailed instructions.

Once you've installed Terraform, you can connect to the Nobl9 Terraform provider. Remember to swap your credentials in the below code snippet and fill in your organization name, client ID, and client secret.


You can get your client ID and client secret in the Nobl9 UI (Settings > Access Keys).

terraform {
required_providers {
nobl9 = {
source = "nobl9/nobl9"
version = "latest"

provider "nobl9" {
organization = "<your org name>"
project = "default"
client_id = "<client_id>"
client_secret = "<client_secret>"

To use the latest features introduced to the Nobl9 provider, you must update your configuration to the latest.

Check out the latest configuration in the Nobl9 Terraform documentation.

You can check the latest additions to the Nobl9 provider here.

Basic usage steps

  • terraform init
    A basic initialization command that you run in folder containing your Terraform provider configuration file. It's used to initialize the terraform provider packet to be installed locally:

  • terraform plan
    Checks the actual state of resources against what de defined in the Terraform configuration file. This command allows you to check how your resources will be changed:

  • terraform apply
    Applies planned resource changes:

  • terraform destroy
    Permanently deletes defined resources:

Great, you're ready to configure Nobl9 resources with the Nobl9 Terraform provider!