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Azure monitor

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Azure Monitor is a monitoring solution that collects and aggregates data for further interpretation and response.

Nobl9 integration with Azure Monitor supports collecting Azure Monitor metrics, including Application Insights. With it, Nobl9 users can retrieve metrics and build SLOs based on them.

Azure Monitor parameters and supported features in Nobl9
General support:
Release channel: Beta
Connection method: Agent, Direct
Event logs: Supported

Query parameters:
Query interval: 1 min
Query delay: 5 min
Jitter: 15 sec
Timeout: 60 sec

Agent details and minimum required versions for supported features:
Environment variable: AZURE_MONITOR_QUERY_DELAY
Plugin name: n9azure_monitor
Replay and SLI Analyzer: 0.69.0-beta01
Maximum historical data retrieval period: 30 days
Query parameters retrieval: 0.71.0-beta
Timestamp cache persistence: 0.69.0-beta01

Additional notes:
Support for Azure Monitor Metrics and Azure Monitor Logs
Learn more


Ensure the metrics you use support a one-minute (1-minute) aggregation window (time grain).


To set up the Nobl9 direct connection, you must provide your Azure application's client ID and client secret. For this:

  1. Register an Azure application.
  2. Assign your Azure application the Monitoring Reader role for the Azure resources you want to read metrics from.
    This role meets the Nobl9 requirements for metric collection.
  3. Grant your application the Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read permission.
    It enables resource and metric autocompletion during SLO creation.

You can also use sloctl. This way, you can configure SLOs for your Azure Cloud application without the resource and metric autocompletion.

Azure IAM

We recommend granting the Monitoring Reader role on the subscription or resource group level rather than a specific resource. A broader scope provides a more comprehensive choice of subscriptions, resource groups, resources, and metrics in the Nobl9 platform.

Adding Azure Monitor as a data source​

You can add the Azure Monitor data source using the direct or agent connection methods.

Direct connection method​

Nobl9 Web​

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Sources.
  2. Click .
  3. Click the required Source icon.
  4. Choose Direct.
release channel
Currently, Nobl9 integration with Azure Monitor is available in the Beta release channel only.
  1. Enter your Azure Tenant ID.
    It is an 8-4-4-4-12-character code containing digits 0-9 and letters Aa-Ff.

  2. Enter your Microsoft Entra Client ID and Client Secret.

Azure application ID

To retrieve Azure application's client ID and client secret, find your required application under App Registrations within the Azure Portal.

  1. Select a Project.
    Specifying a project is helpful when multiple users are spread across multiple teams or projects. When the Project field is left blank, Nobl9 uses the default project.
  2. Enter a Display Name.
    You can enter a user-friendly name with spaces in this field.
  3. Enter a Name.
    The name is mandatory and can only contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters, and dashes (for example, my-project-1). Nobl9 duplicates the display name here, transforming it into the supported format, but you can edit the result.
  4. Enter a Description.
    Here you can add details such as who is responsible for the integration (team/owner) and the purpose of creating it.
  5. Specify the Query delay to set a customized delay for queries when pulling the data from the data source.
    • The default value in Azure Monitor integration for Query delay is 5 minutes.
    Changing the Query delay may affect your SLI data. For more details, check the Query delay documentation.
  6. Enter a Maximum Period for Historical Data Retrieval.
    • This value defines how far back in the past your data will be retrieved when replaying your SLO based on this data source.
    • The maximum period value depends on the data source.
      Find the maximum value for your data source.
    • A greater period can extend the loading time when creating an SLO.
      • The value must be a positive integer.
  7. Enter a Default Period for Historical Data Retrieval.
    • It is used by SLOs connected to this data source.
    • The value must be a positive integer or 0.
    • By default, this value is set to 0. When you set it to >0, you will create SLOs with Replay.
  8. Click Add Data Source.


The YAML for setting up a direct connection to Azure Monitor looks like this:

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Direct
name: azure-monitor
displayName: Azure Monitor
project: azure-monitor
description: Direct integration with Azure Monitor
- Metrics
unit: Minute
value: 5 # For current operation, must be a number from 5 to 1440 minutes (24 hours)
logCollectionEnabled: false
releaseChannel: beta # For Azure monitor, the only accepted value is beta
value: 30
unit: Day
value: 0
unit: Day
enumSpecifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute.
β€’ Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
numericSpecifies the value for the query delay.
β€’ Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours).
β€’ Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
booleanOptional. Defaults to false. Set to true if you'd like your direct to collect event logs. Beta functionality available only through direct release channel. Reach out to to activate it.
enumSpecifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable.
Source-specific fields
string, secretThe identifier of your Microsoft Entra tenant.
stringSee authentication section above for more details.
stringSee authentication section above for more details.
Replay-related fields
n/aOptional structure related to configuration related to Replay.
❗ Use only with supported sources.
β€’ If omitted, Nobl9 uses the default values of value: 0 and unit: Day for maxDuration and defaultDuration.
numericSpecifies the maximum duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer β‰₯ 0. See Replay documentation for values of max duration per data source.
enumSpecifies the unit for the maximum duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day.
numericSpecifies the default duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer β‰₯ 0 and ≀ maxDuration.
enumSpecifies the unit for the default duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day.

Agent connection method​

Nobl9 Web​

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Sources.
  2. Click .
  3. Click the required Source icon.
  4. Choose Agent.
release channel
Currently, Nobl9 integration with Azure Monitor is available in the Beta release channel only.
  1. Enter your Azure Tenant ID.
    It is an 8-4-4-4-12-character code containing digits 0-9 and letters Aa-Ff.
  1. Select a Project.
    Specifying a project is helpful when multiple users are spread across multiple teams or projects. When the Project field is left blank, Nobl9 uses the default project.
  2. Enter a Display Name.
    You can enter a user-friendly name with spaces in this field.
  3. Enter a Name.
    The name is mandatory and can only contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters, and dashes (for example, my-project-1). Nobl9 duplicates the display name here, transforming it into the supported format, but you can edit the result.
  4. Enter a Description.
    Here you can add details such as who is responsible for the integration (team/owner) and the purpose of creating it.
  5. Specify the Query delay to set a customized delay for queries when pulling the data from the data source.
    • The default value in Azure Monitor integration for Query delay is 5 minutes.
    Changing the Query delay may affect your SLI data. For more details, check the Query delay documentation.
  6. Enter a Maximum Period for Historical Data Retrieval.
    • This value defines how far back in the past your data will be retrieved when replaying your SLO based on this data source.
    • The maximum period value depends on the data source.
      Find the maximum value for your data source.
    • A greater period can extend the loading time when creating an SLO.
      • The value must be a positive integer.
  7. Enter a Default Period for Historical Data Retrieval.
    • It is used by SLOs connected to this data source.
    • The value must be a positive integer or 0.
    • By default, this value is set to 0. When you set it to >0, you will create SLOs with Replay.
  8. Click Add Data Source.


The YAML for setting up an agent connection to Azure Monitor is as follows:

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Agent
name: azure-monitor
displayName: Azure Monitor
project: azure-monitor
description: Azure Monitor agent
- Metrics
releaseChannel: beta
unit: Minute
value: 5 # numeric, must be a number from 5 to 1440 minutes (24 hours)
value: 30
unit: Day
value: 0
unit: Day
enumSpecifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute.
β€’ Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
numericSpecifies the value for the query delay.
β€’ Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours).
β€’ Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
enumSpecifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable.
Source-specific fields
string, secretIt's the identifier of your Microsoft Entra tenant.
Replay-related fields
n/aOptional structure related to configuration related to Replay.
❗ Use only with supported sources.
β€’ If omitted, Nobl9 uses the default values of value: 0 and unit: Day for maxDuration and defaultDuration.
numericSpecifies the maximum duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer β‰₯ 0. See Replay documentation for values of max duration per data source.
enumSpecifies the unit for the maximum duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day.
numericSpecifies the default duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer β‰₯ 0 and ≀ maxDuration.
enumSpecifies the unit for the default duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day.

Agent deployment​

When you add the data source, Nobl9 automatically generates a Kubernetes configuration and a Docker command line for you to use to deploy the agent. Both of these are available in the web UI, under the Agent Configuration section. Be sure to swap in your credentials (e.g., replace the <YOUR_AZURE_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID> and <YOUR_AZURE_APPLICATION_CLIENT_SECRET> with your client ID and client secret).

If you use Kubernetes, you can apply the supplied YAML config file to a Kubernetes cluster to deploy the agent. The agent facilitates Nobl9 to import your service metrics.

# DISCLAIMER: This deployment description contains only the fields necessary for the purpose of this demo.
# It is not a ready-to-apply k8s deployment description, and the client_id and client_secret are only exemplary values.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
namespace: default
type: Opaque
client_id: "<UNIQUE_CLIENT_ID>"
client_secret: "<UNIQUE_CLIENT_SECRET>"
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
namespace: default
replicas: 1
nobl9-agent-name: "azure-agent"
nobl9-agent-project: "default"
nobl9-agent-organization: "nobl9"
nobl9-agent-name: "azure-agent"
nobl9-agent-project: "default"
nobl9-agent-organization: "nobl9"
- name: agent-container
image: nobl9/agent:0.82.6-beta
memory: "700Mi"
cpu: "0.2"
- name: N9_CLIENT_ID
key: client_id
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
key: azure_client_id
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
key: azure_client_secret
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
key: client_secret
name: nobl9-agent-nobl9-azure-agent
- name: N9_AUTH_SERVER
value: "<UNIQUE_VALUE>"
value: "9090"
value: "10"

Important notes:

  • The N9_METRICS_PORT is a variable specifying the port to which the /metrics and /health endpoints are exposed.
  • 9090 is the default value and can be changed.
  • If you don’t want the metrics to be exposed, comment out or delete the N9_METRICS_PORT variable.
  • N9_DIAGNOSTIC_QUERY_LOG_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MINUTES sets the frequency of log emission for SLI Analyzer. The default value is 10. To deactivate log emission, set this value to 0.

Creating SLOs with Azure Monitor​

Nobl9 integration with Azure Monitor supports Azure Monitor Metrics and Azure Monitor Logs data types. For the both data types, you can create threshold metric and ratio good or bad over total metrics.

These methods are available in the UI and by applying YAML via sloctl.

Nobl9 Web​

Follow the instructions below to create your SLOs with Azure Monitor in the UI:

  1. Navigate to Service Level Objectives.

  2. Click .
  3. Select a Service.
    It will be the location for your SLO in Nobl9.
  4. Select your Azure Monitor data source.
  5. Modify Period for Historical Data Retrieval, when necessary.
    • This value will be used to replay your SLO and defines how far back in the past your data will be retrieved.
    • A longer period can extend the data loading time for your SLO.
    • Must be a positive whole number up to the maximum period value you've set when adding the Azure Monitor data source.
  6. Select the Data Type:

Azure Monitor Metrics to capture numeric data from your monitored resources.

  1. Specify the Resource you need to collect metrics for.
    Set the path to your required resource using the Subscription, Resource Group, and Resource fields. Make sure your selected resource holds the metrics you need to collect.
  2. Select Namespace in the list of available, when required.
    It's a way Azure Monitor groups similar metrics together.
  3. Configure Metric:
    1. Select the metric type.

      • A Threshold metric where a single time series is evaluated against a threshold.
      • A Ratio metric that allows you to enter two-time series for comparison. You can choose one of the following metric types:

        • Good metric, meaning a ratio of good requests and total requests.
        • Bad metric, meaning a ratio of bad requests and total requests.
    2. Choose the Data Count Method for your ratio metric:
      • Non-incremental: counts incoming metric values one-by-one. So the resulting SLO graph is pike-shaped.
      • Incremental: counts the incoming metric values incrementally, adding every next value to previous values. It results in a constantly increasing SLO graph.
    3. Select the Metric Name in the list of available metrics.
      When you cannot find the required metric name in the list or the list displays No matching data, check if your selected resource holds the metric you need.
    4. Choose metric Aggregation to determine processing of the incoming data.

        The following aggregations are available:
      • Sum: the sum of all datapoints in an aggregation window
      • Average: the average of datapoints per aggregation window. Usually, it's Sum/Count
      • Maximum: the greatest datapoint value in an aggregation window
      • Minimum: the lowest datapoint value in an aggregation window
      • Count: the number of datapoints in an aggregation window. This type considers only how many data points are received, instead of datapoint values

    5. Select Dimensions if any are applied to your chosen metric in Azure.
      You can select the Value in the list or enter the required one. Make sure your entered value is up to 255 characters (ASCII only)
SLI values for good and total
When choosing the query for the ratio SLI (countMetrics), keep in mind that the values ​​resulting from that query for both good and total:
  • Must be positive.
  • While we recommend using integers, fractions are also acceptable.
    • If using fractions, we recommend them to be larger than 1e-4 = 0.0001.
  • Shouldn't be larger than 1e+20.
  1. Define the Time Window for your SLO:
  2. Configure the Error budget calculation method and Objectives:
    • Occurrences method counts good attempts against the count of total attempts.
    • Time Slices method measures how many good minutes were achieved (when a system operates within defined boundaries) during a time window.
    • You can define up to 12 objectives for an SLO.

    • Similar threshold values for objectives
      To use similar threshold values for different objectives in your SLO, we recommend differentiating them by setting varying decimal points for each objective.
      For example, if you want to use threshold value 1 for two objectives, set it to 1.0000001 for the first objective and to 1.0000002 for the second one.
      Learn more about threshold value uniqueness.
  3. Add the Display name, Name, and other settings for your SLO:
    • Name identifies your SLO in Nobl9. After you save the SLO, its name becomes read-only.
      Use only lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.
    • Create Composite SLO: with this option selected, you create a composite SLO 1.0. Composite SLOs 1.0 are deprecated. They're fully operable; however, we encourage you to create new composite SLOs 2.0.
      You can create composite SLOs 2.0 with sloctl using the provided template. Alternatively, you can create a composite SLO 2.0 with Nobl9 Terraform provider.
    • Set Notifications on data. With it, Nobl9 will notify you in the cases when SLO won't be reporting data or report incomplete data for more than 15 minutes.
    • Add alert policies, labels, and links, if required.
      Up to 20 items of each type per SLO is allowed.
  4. Click CREATE SLO.

  5. SLO configuration use case
    Check the SLO configuration use case for a real-life SLO example.


SLI values for good and total
When choosing the query for the ratio SLI (countMetrics), keep in mind that the values ​​resulting from that query for both good and total:
  • Must be positive.
  • While we recommend using integers, fractions are also acceptable.
    • If using fractions, we recommend them to be larger than 1e-4 = 0.0001.
  • Shouldn't be larger than 1e+20.

Azure Monitor Metrics​

Here’s an example of Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus Metrics using a rawMetric (the threshold metric):

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: SLO
name: my-slo
project: my-project
# Enum: Occurrences | Timeslices
budgetingMethod: Timeslices
description: ""
# Your data source name identifier
name: azure-data-source
service: my-service
- displayName: My objective 1
name: my-objective-1
# Enum: lte | lt | gte | gt
op: lte
dataType: metrics
resourceID: /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/<PROVIDER_NAMESPACE>/<PROVIDER_TYPE>/<APP_NAME>
metricName: <METRIC_NAME>
# Enum: Sum, Count, Average, Min, Max
aggregation: Avg
# Number, float64
value: 1
target: 0.5
timeSliceTarget: 0.5
- displayName: My objective 2
name: my-objective-2
op: lte
dataType: metrics
resourceID: /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/<PROVIDER_NAMESPACE>/<PROVIDER_TYPE>/<APP_NAME>
metricName: <METRIC_NAME>
aggregation: Avg
value: 0.5
target: 0.6
timeSliceTarget: 0.6
# Number of units in a time window, integer
- count: 1
# Boolean: true for rolling time windows
isRolling: true
# Enum: Minute | Hour | Day for rolling time windows
unit: Hour

Azure Monitor Logs​

Here’s an example of Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus Logs using a rawMetric (the threshold metric):

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: SLO
name: my-slo
project: my-project
# Enum: Occurrences | Timeslices
budgetingMethod: Timeslices
description: ""
# Your data source name identifier
name: azure-data-source
service: my-service
- displayName: My objective 1
name: my-objective-1
# Enum: lte | lt | gte | gt
op: lte
dataType: logs
subscriptionID: <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
resourceGroup: <RESOURCE_GROUP>
workspaceID: <WORKSPACE_ID>
# Kusto Query Language: include the n9_value and n9_time variables
kqlQuery: |-
| where AppRoleName == "<APP_NAME>"
| summarize n9_value = avg(DurationMs) by bin(TimeGenerated, 15s)
| project n9_time = TimeGenerated, n9_value
# Number, float64
value: 1000
target: 0.5
timeSliceTarget: 0.5
- displayName: My objective 2
name: my-objective-2
op: lte
dataType: logs
subscriptionID: <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
resourceGroup: <RESOURCE_GROUP>
workspaceID: <WORKSPACE_ID>
kqlQuery: |-
| where AppRoleName == "<APP_NAME>"
| summarize n9_value = avg(DurationMs) by bin(TimeGenerated, 15s)
| project n9_time = TimeGenerated, n9_value
value: 500
target: 0.6
timeSliceTarget: 0.6
# Number of units in a time window, integer
- count: 1
# Boolean: true for rolling time windows
isRolling: true
# Enum: Minute | Hour | Day for rolling time windows
unit: Hour

Querying the Azure Monitor API​

The Nobl9 agent leverages the Azure Monitor Data Plane API to get data.

For a more in-depth look, consult additional resources: