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Setting up AWS Secrets Manager

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This short guide will help you with setting up AWS Secrets Manager on your macOS or Linux machine.


Make sure that before following the steps below you have access to AWS.

Creating your AWS Access Key

  1. Go to AWS Console.

  2. Under Access keys for CLI, SDK & API access, click the Create access key button and save the csv file.

Installing brew

Now, you can install brew:

  1. Go to brew.

  2. Copy the below install command:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Wait until the installation process is finished.

  4. Follow the instruction displayed in the Next Steps to add Homebrew to your local path.

Installing and configuring AWS

  1. Run the following command:

    brew install awscli
  2. Run the following command:

    aws configure
  3. Using the csv file that you have saved, fill in the following:

    • AWS Access Key ID [None]: your access key ID

    • AWS Secret Access Key [None]: your Secret Access Key

    • Default region name [None] = eu-central-1

    • Default output format [None] = json

  4. Run the below command to finish the installation process:

    brew install jq