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General troubleshooting

β›­ Nobl9 official SLO​

You can find Nobl9 SLO in the Nobl9 Service Level Commitment.

β›­ SSO login for Nobl9 Teams customers​

SSO login is not activated for Nobl9 Teams customers. This is an enterprise feature.

β›­ SSO integrations available with Nobl9​

The following integrations are supported:

  • Azure
  • Google
  • Okta Org2Org

β›­ Bulk user import via SSO​

SSO grants access but does not allow for more granular user management. We can bulk create the users for the client. They can email a spreadsheet or CSV to support.

β›­ Nobl9 data retention period​

The data retention period in Nobl9 depends on Nobl9 Edition:

  • Nobl9 Teams customer metrics for 12 months
  • Enterprise customer metrics for 2 years

On demand, a detailed policy about data retention can be shared. This option requires signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

β›­ Access to Nobl9 Terraform provider​

Refer to the official Nobl9 Terraform provider page.

β›­ Viewing Nobl9 dashboards or SLOs by unauthorized users​

Currently, it is not possible to view a Nobl9 dashboard without an account.

β›­ Viewing generated access tokens on the Nobl9 Web​

You won't be able to see the generated access tokens on the Nobl9 Web, but it's possible to retrieve them via sloctl. If you want to retrieve client_id and client_secret for all agents in your organization, use the -A flag in the sloctl get agent command as follows: sloctl get agents -Ak.

β›­ Shutting down access tokens and impact of a parent access key / secret on the access token​

Once you invalidate a client ID and client secret, the access token generated with these invalidated credentials becomes inactive as well.

β›­ Limiting an API token scope​

The scope of an API token is based on the permissions of the user who generated the token on the Nobl9 Web.

β›­ Agent logs location​

Agent logs exist only in the standard output within the agent container.

β›­ Logging issues with Nobl9​

You can log a ticket at our support page or email at If you don’t have access to the Support Center, click Not a member? to sign up.

β›­ Response time for customer questions​

A support response should come in less than 24 hours for Nobl9 Teams users and in less than 8 hours for enterprise users, during normal business hours. For Nobl9 Free users, we have a public Slack channel that you can use.

β›­ Support questions per customer limit​

Customers can ask support as many questions as they need.