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Nobl9 agent (0.69.2)

stable agent version migrated to Distroless

This change provides a more secure and lightweight environment to run the agent, resulting in faster deployment times and improved security.

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Here's what else changed in the Nobl9 agent 0.69.2:

Prometheus plugin: multi-tenancy support
Timestamp saving to persistent cache
SumoLogic plugin: logs extended

Nobl9 agent (0.70.0-beta03)

Here's what changed in the Nobl9 agent 0.70.0-beta03:

Prometheus plugin: multi-tenancy support
Honeycomb: API rate limits
SumoLogic plugin: logs extended
Azure Monitor no-data import error
High- and medium-level vulnerabilities

Nobl9 agent (0.69.1)

Here's what changed in the Nobl9 agent 0.69.1:

Minor fixes and improvements

Nobl9 agent (0.70.0-beta02)

Here's what changed in the Nobl9 agent 0.70.0-beta02:

Timestamp cache performance
Credentials handling for Azure Monitor
Prometheus metric for Sumo Logic rate limiter hits

Nobl9 agent (0.69.0)

Stable Agent version migration to Distroless by the end of January 2024

We are scheduled to migrate the stable agent version to Distroless container images by the end of January 2024.

In the meantime, ensure its compatibility with your environment: test the Distroless distribution on the beta agent version and check the behavior in the release process. In due time, feel free to reach out to us if you need assistance with migration. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition to the new version

Here's what changed in the Nobl9 agent 0.69.0:

AWS AccountID support for Cloudwatch queries.
Handling invalid configuration fields.
Collecting sparse metrics in the Prometheus plugin.
Amazon Managed Prometheus plugin configuration.
Data gathering in the Datadog plugin.