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Nobl9 application (1.121.0)

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We've just released Nobl9 1.121.0! Release highlights:
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Release detailsโ€‹

SLI charts 2.0โ€‹

We're pleased to announce significant improvements to SLI charts for both threshold and ratio metrics, providing a more accurate and granular view of the time series.

Visual enhancementsโ€‹

SLI chart appearance is enhanced for improved clarity.

  • Threshold metrics time series color coding:
    • p1, p99
    • p5, p95
    • p10, p90
    • p50
threshold metric chart
A threshold metric SLI chart
  • Ratio metrics SLI charts now display stepped lines for time series with the new color-coding applied:
    • Good
    • Bad
    • Total
    • Delta
good over total and bad over total charts
Ratio metrics SLI charts

Delta line in ratio metrics chartโ€‹

The delta line, now available in ratio metric SLI charts, visualizes the difference between the good or bad and the total time series data. This provides additional insights into fluctuations in ratio metrics, allowing for more granular analysis and monitoring.

delta line
The delta data stream in the SLI chart

Data downsampling in ratio metricsโ€‹

Raw metric downsampling now depends on the data count method:

  • Incremental metrics: the last aggregation (the last data point per interval).
  • Non-incremental metrics: two aggregation modes:
    • Events: sum aggregation (the sum of data points in an interval).
    • Events/sec: rate aggregation (the rate between data points per second in an interval).
aggregation mode
Non-incremental ratio metric SLI chart aggregation modes

Raw data displayโ€‹

The previous one-hour time window limitation for displaying raw data has been removed. Raw data is now displayed dynamically, appearing when the selected time window contains up to 400 data points. This means:

  • Wider time windows may show raw data if the overall data density is low enough to fall within the 400-point limit.
  • Narrower time windows may be required to show raw data if the data is denser.

While a one-hour window is still the most typical, the actual display adapts to ensure a clear and detailed visualization within the 400-point constraint.

ratio metric raw data
SLI chart with raw data

The exported raw data in CSV files (Enterprise-tier feature) now includes timestamps with the time zone.

exported raw data
Timestamp and time zone in a CSV with raw data

Report delivery schedule descriptionโ€‹

Report emails with scheduled repeated delivery now include a human-readable description of the notification schedule.

Documentation updatesโ€‹