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Nobl9 Application (1.34)

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We've just released Nobl9 1.34! Click Read more to see what's new.

SLO grid view search: filter SLOs based on a combination of labels that are used in Services and SLOs. Search results will now list SLOs under a service that matches the label filter applied at the service.
Lightstep Incident Response as an alert method: create an incident with Lightstep Incident Response when an alert is triggered.
Workload Identity authentication: added Workload Identity authentication method to the BigQuery and Google Cloud Monitoring to leverage IAM service accounts for its authentication.
SLO ratio metrics settings - incremental / non-incremental metrics: configure your ratio SLOs and set Nobl9 to treat the metrics as incremental or non-incremental in both UI and YAML. This allows you to avoid errors in SLO calculations that happen if this setting is incorrectly configured.
ServiceNow alerts are pushed to a new table em_table, instead of ecc_table.
SLO grid Tree navigation: hover over the SLO and Service names to display the full SLO name.
Time window picker: use the Time window picker to quickly review the last 4 hours of your SLOs in SLO grid view or SLO details view.
SLO wizard & Data source wizards: text layer changes to improve readability and consistency.
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