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Nobl9 Application (1.35)

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We've just released Nobl9 1.35! Click Read more to see what's new.

SLO details view: Burndown Condition, list of objectives, and Total Error Budget were added for composite SLOs in the SLO details panel to provide additional data for SLOs.
Lightstep Source: Added Jitter toll to the agent. This allows spreading requests made by the agent to avoid surges of traffic to Lightstep API every minute.
SLO details panels: SLO Display Name and Resource Name are fully displayed and no longer cut off for long names.
SLO details panels: Hover over the name of project, service or data source and see a tooltip displaying its resource name.
Lightstep Source: Optimized number of requests to Lightstep API to better address APIโ€™s rate limits.
Lightstep Source: Fixed wrong intervals in Lightstep plugin when reconnected.
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