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Nobl9 application (1.85.5)

Β· 2 min read
We've just released Nobl9 1.85.5! Release highlights:

Release details​

User management 2.0​

User management 2.0 changes how you can manage Nobl9 users and their permissions in Nobl9. We’ve redesigned the Access Controls section in the settings menu, replacing it with two sections: users and groups.

new settings view
New settings view

Users tab​

The Users tab provides a comprehensive list of all users within your organization. With the necessary permissions, you can review individual user permissions and project assignments.

users list
Users list tab

Each user has a dedicated details page where you can manage their project roles, organization roles, and group assignments. From this view, you can easily assign or remove users from projects and manage their organization roles.

users list
User details view

Groups tab​

In the groups tab, you can review groups synchronized from your Identity Provider system. The group details tab allows you to review each group’s organization roles and project roles, as well as browse through users assigned to that group. You can also assign project and organization roles to groups through this UI.

groups tab
Groups tab

Project details in ServiceNow alert notifications​

We've extended ServiceNow alert notifications with additional data to make it easier to respond to an alert. The 'Description' field now includes the Project display name alongside the Project name. Additionally, project labels are sent in the Additional information field, along with labels for Services, SLO, and Alert policy.

Documentation updates​

We encourage you to check out the rebuilt and improved version of the RBAC documentation.

Recent updates include a brand new Organization-level role matrix table with interactive grouping of permissions per role per Nobl9 feature, and a brand new Project-level role matrix table:

Both matrices use query strings, so you can conveniently share links to specific feature permissions, for instance – to Service Level Objectives-related permissions:

groups tab