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sloctl user guide

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sloctl is a command-line interface (CLI) for Nobl9. You can use the sloctl CLI for creating or updating multiple SLOs and objectives at once as part of CI/CD.

The web user interface is available to give you an easy way to create and update SLOs and other resources, while sloctl aims to provide a systematic and/or automated approach to maintaining SLOs as code.

For other ways of leveraging SLOs as code, check SLOs as code section.

Key features of sloctl​

  • CI/CD integration: sloctl integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Version control: You can keep definitions of SLOs and other resources in the version control system.
  • Bulk operations: sloctl allows you to create or update multiple SLOs and other Nobl9 resources simultaneously.
  • Advanced configuration: sloctl provides access to advanced functionalities through YAML-based resources definitions, including (but not limited to):
    • Complex alert policies: sloctl you to define alert policies with any number and combination of alert conditions, exceeding the limitations of the Nobl9 Web (one condition of a type).
    • Credential retrieval: With the sloctl get agents command, you can retrieve client_id and client_secret for agents within your organization at any time.

Setting up sloctl​

Use the following steps to install and configure Nobl9 command-line interface, sloctl.

Binary installation of sloctl​

When installing files in protected folders, the operating system occasionally requires copy or file permissions. When this happens, give the installed files executable permissions (Linux and Mac) or confirm the file copy operation (Windows).

Use the platform-specific instructions below to install sloctl.


Check sloctl releases page for the latest executable binary file for sloctl.

Method 1: Using homebrew:

  1. For Mac OS, we recommend using homebrew:
    brew tap nobl9/sloctl
    brew install sloctl

Method 2: Manual installation

  1. After the executable zip file downloads, you will need to place the file in the appropriate system path and rename it to sloctl.

    • The Mac operating system occasionally requires file permissions. When this happens, give the file executable permission.
  2. Move the binary file to your Downloads folder.

  3. Open Terminal and enter the following commands:

    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
    sudo cp ~/Downloads/sloctl /usr/local/bin/
    sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/sloctl
    open /usr/local/bin
  4. The last open command above will navigate to the bin folder in Finder.

  5. Right-click sloctl in the Finder window and select Open.


Open is not the default option when the security modal pops up. Selecting Open authorizes the sloctl binary on your Mac.

issues with homebrew

If you encounter the following error while using Homebrew:

Error: unknown or unsupported macOS version: :dunno

Run the following command to resolve the issue:

brew update-reset

This will reset Homebrew to fix the compatibility issue.


Follow these steps to configure your sloctl connection:

  1. Create a Client ID and Client Secret pair for use in sloctl:

    • Navigate to Settings > Access Keys in the web UI.

    • Click Create Access Key.


    You can retrieve your organization ID on the Nobl9 Web, in the Settings > Account:

  2. Follow the instructions in the UI to configure sloctl to use the provided credentials. Use one of the available setup flows:

    • Method 1:
      Click Download credentials file in the web UI, and put the downloaded file in ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml (Linux and macOS) or %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml (Windows).

    • Method 2:
      Run sloctl config add-context, name the context, and paste the Client ID and Client Secret from the web UI when prompted.

    • Method 3:
      You can also pass sloctl configuration through the environment variables: either to overwrite your settings from config.toml, or pass them directly without a config.toml file. See below for details.

  3. Test the configuration by entering sloctl get slos into the command line.


If there are no SLOs created in your account or in the selected project, you might see this message: No resources found in default project. This indicates that the configuration is correct; if it’s not, the command will return a 401 error.

Configure sloctl with environmental variables​

If you don't want sloctl to create any configuration files in your homepath, you can configure it by passing the following environmental variables:

Variable nameDescriptionMandatory?
SLOCTL_CLIENT_IDSet your Nobl9 client ID.Y
SLOCTL_CLIENT_SECRETSet your Nobl9 client secret.Y
SLOCTL_CONTEXT Set your sloctl context.N
SLOCTL_PROJECTSet your Nobl9 project.N
SLOCTL_TIMEOUTSet custom timeout for applying objects. Max. value = 1 minute.N
SLOCTL_FILES_PROMPT_THRESHOLDSet custom prompt threshold for applying multiple files (numeric value).N
SLOCTL_FILES_PROMPT_ENABLEDSet sloctl prompt message for applying multiple files (boolean)N

sloctl image​

Nobl9's sloctl image is published on Docker Hub.Β You can leverage it to integrate Nobl9 in the CI/CD pipelines.


Follow these steps to use the sloctl image:

  1. Pull the sloctl docker image by entering the following command:
docker pull nobl9/sloctl:latest
  1. Test it by running the following:
docker run nobl9/sloctl:latest --help

sloctl is the entrypoint. As such, when entered on the command line, commands do not have to be preceded byΒ sloctl, for example: docker run nobl9/sloctl:latest --help.

If you want to leverage the sloctl image for commands that require authentication, you must pass your Client ID and Client Secret. You can do it by:

  • Passing your config.toml file
  • Passing your secrets to Docker as environment variables.

Follow the steps below to pass your config.toml file to the Docker container:

  1. Download your config.toml file from the Nobl9 UI and follow the instructions described in the Configuration section.
  2. Move config.toml to a directory of your choice.
  3. Set the environment variable to the full path where your config.toml is located, for example:
    export N9_AUTH=β€˜/full/path/to/directoryβ€˜

Use cases​

When you applied the authentication config file, you can test it by running docker run command with the -v flag for bind mounting the directory. The command should return all your SLOs.

docker run -v $N9_AUTH:/home/appuser/.config/nobl9 nobl9/sloctl:latest get slos

Note that sloctl is expecting to find your config file at /home/appuser/.config/nobl9 from within the container.

You can now run other sloctl commands with the same line by changing the sloctl command at the end, for example:

docker run -v $N9_AUTH:/home/appuser/.config/nobl9 nobl9/sloctl:latest <sloctl command>

Overview of sloctl commands and objects​

Summary of root sloctl commands​

The following are the available commands in sloctl. When entered on the command line they should all be preceded by sloctl; for example, sloctl delete.

applyApply a resource definition in YAML or JSON format.
aws-iam-idsOutputs AWS IAM IDs, available for dataexport and direct:
completionGenerate the autocompletion script for sloctl for the specified shell.
deleteDelete a resource definition (specified by name or definition file).
getDisplay one or more resources.
helpGet help on any command.
replayGet historical data for an SLO.
use-contextSet the default context.
versionPrint the sloctl version.

For more details, see the sloctl Root Commands section below.

Summary of sloctl config commands​

The following are the available config commands in sloctl. In the command line, they should all be preceded by sloctl config; for example, sloctl config use-context:

add-contextAdd a new sloctl configuration context.
current-contextDisplay current context.
delete-contextDelete chosen context.
get-contextsDisplay all available contexts.
rename-contextRename chosen context.
use-contextSet the default context.

For more details, see the sloctl Config Commands section below.

Common objects​

The following are the API objects that you can manipulate with sloctl using the different commands. For details about each object, see the YAML Guide.

Object arguments follow the [command] argument in the sloctl command line:

sloctl [command] [object]

For example:

sloctl get agents

agentsProvide a solution to metrics collection from external sources. In this solution, users deploy the agents.
alertmethodsAllow you to send alerts to specific notification engines or tools when an incident is triggered.
alertpoliciesDefine a set of conditions that, when met, cause an alert to be a sent to a predefined list of integrations.
alertsilencesSilence alerts for a defined period not to receive notifications when an alert event is triggered.
alertsAllow notifications to be sent about SLOs when certain conditions are met.
annotations1Allows you to add annotations and manage them on the SLO or SLO objective level.
budgetadjustmentsAdd and manage budget adjustment definitions.
dataexportsDefine a configuration to export your data from Nobl9.
directsProvide a SaaS solution to metrics collection from external sources.
projectsServe as workspaces for resources and provide a layer of isolation for resources in different projects.
rolebindingsAssign a user the permissions indicated in a role.
servicesServe as high-level groupings of SLOs.
slosDefine a set of target values for an SLO.

1 sloctl does not return system annotations. When applying the sloctl get annotation[s] command, sloctl will return only annotations created by the user.


Common flags pass data to a command or parameter:

FlagLong FormDescription
-h--helpGet help.
-o--output stringSpecify the output format: one of `yaml

Certain sloctl commands accept other flags. Global flags define the scope of the current command, such as the project, context, or location of the configuration file:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.

sloctl root commands​


The apply command commits your changes by sending the updates to the application.

sloctl apply supports glob patterns when using the -f flag. It uses the standard Go glob patterns grammar and extends it with the support of '**' for recursive reading of files and directories.

The default threshold for multiple applied files is 23. You can use the -y flag in the command (sloctl apply -y -f [...]) to auto-confirm applying multiple files, or set a custom threshold through the environmental variables.

Otherwise, when that threshold is exceeded, sloctl will produce the following prompt message:

You're applying more than 23 files (30). Do you want to continue? (y/n)

Applying multiple objects through glob patterns might fail due to timeouts.

You can extend the timeout in your config.toml file by adding the following line to the relevant context, for example:

clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
project = "default"
organization = "production"
timeout = "1m" # Maximum value = 1 minute. If set to >1m, it defaults to 1m.
filesPromptThreshold = "30" # Custom threshold for applying multiple files.
filesPromptEnabled = "false" # Enable/disable prompt for applying multiple files.

Only files with extensions: .yml, .yaml, and .json are processed when using glob patterns.

Additionally, before processing the file contents, sloctl checks if it contains Nobl9 API version with the following regex: "?apiVersion"?\s*:\s*"?n9.

Example usage:

  sloctl apply [flags]


  • Apply the configuration from slo.yaml:

    sloctl apply -f ./slo.yaml
  • Apply the YAML file to deploy the agent:

    sloctl apply -f ./agent.yaml

    You can deploy only one agent in one YAML file.

  • Apply the YAML file to configure the direct connection:

    sloctl apply -f ./direct.yaml

    Be careful with your authentication credentials provided in the direct YAML configuration. Remember that these values are encrypted and safely stored in the Nobl9.

  • Apply resources from multiple different sources at once:

    sloctl apply -f ./slo.yaml -f test/config.yaml -f <<>>
  • Apply the YAML or JSON passed directly into stdin:

    cat slo.yaml | sloctl apply -f -
  • Apply the configuration from slo.yaml and set the project if it is not defined in the file:

    sloctl apply -f ./slo.yaml -p slo
  • Apply the configurations from all the files located at cwd recursively:

    sloctl apply -f '**'
  • Auto-confirm applying multiple files:

    sloctl apply -y -f '**'
  • Apply the configurations from files with the 'annotations' name within the whole directory tree. Remember that glob patterns must be quoted to prevent the shell from evaluating them:

    sloctl apply -f '**/annotations*'
  • Apply SLO(s) from slo.yaml and reimport their data from 2023-03-02T15:00:00Z until now:

    sloctl apply -f ./slo.yaml --replay --from=2023-03-02T15:00:00Z
    • When you provide the --dry-run with replay flags, sloctl will not execute Replay.
--replay key points
  • With this flag, you can create SLOs and run Replay for them in a single step. It also works for existing SLOs.
  • If any or all Replay jobs fail, the changes you applied with the YAML definitions won't be rolled back.
  • There's no fine-granulated control over the Replays run for multiple SLOs. Unlike the sloctl replay command, sloctl apply --replay only allows setting a single --from parameter to configure the Replay time window for all applied SLOs.
  • YAML definitions provided with the -f flag may contain many objects and multiple SLOs. The sloctl apply command will run Replay only for SLOs.


N/A--dry-runSubmits server-side request without persisting the configured resources.
-f--file stringProvide a file path, glob pattern or a URL to the configuration in YAML or JSON format. This option can be used multiple times.
-y--yesAuto-confirm applying multiple files.
N/A--from timeConfigure the start of Replay time window (RFC3339 format).
Learn about sloctl replay
N/A--replayRun Replay for applied SLOs. If replay fails, applied changes will not be rolled back.
-h--helpGet help.
sloctl apply --dry-run

When passed with the apply command, the --dry-run flag tests if your YAML definitions are correct.

Currently, the command provides a basic validation of YAML definitions: it acts like an apply command without persisting the changes.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.

Available objects:

  • agents, alertmethods, alertpolicies, alertsilences, alerts, annotations,budgetadjustments , dataexports, directs, projects, rolebindings, services, slos

Use sloctl apply [object] --help for more information about using the apply command with different objects.

When the specified changes have been applied successfully, you will see the following confirmation message:

sloctl apply -f ./samples/sample.yaml

Resources successfully created.

budgetadjustments events​

The budgetadjustments events command family is used to manage events associated with budget adjustments in your SLOs. These commands allows you to retrieve, update, or delete adjustment events.


The budgetadjustments events get command returns a list of events for the specified adjustment and related SLO. This command returns past and ongoing events (already started). The events 'get' command can return a maximum of 250 events. You can optionally filter for a specific SLO (only one). If an SLO is defined, only events for that SLO will be returned, but the results will also include other SLOs associated with those events. The results are sorted by the event start time.


Managing past adjustments requires sloctl version 0.9.0 or higher.

Example usage:

  • Get adjustment events for sample-adjustment-name from 2024-09-23T00:45:00 UTC to 2024-09-23T20:46:00 UTC:

    sloctl budgetadjustments events get --adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name --from=2024-09-23T00:45:00Z --to=2024-09-23T20:46:00Z
  • Get Adjustment Events for sample-adjustment-name from 2024-09-23T00:45:00 UTC to 2024-09-23T20:46:00 UTC for one SLO only with sloName and project filters:

sloctl budgetadjustments events get \
--adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name \
--from=2024-09-23T00:45:00Z \
--to=2024-09-23T20:46:00Z \
--slo-project=sample-project-name \


N/A--adjustment-name(Required) The name of the adjustment.
N/A--from(Required) Start of the time range (UTC).
N/A--to(Required) End of the time range (UTC).
N/A--slo-projectProject name of the SLO (required if --slo-name is used).
N/A--slo-nameSLO name to filter events.


The budgetadjustments events update command modifies existing past events for a specified adjustment. You must provide a YAML file with event details, including eventStart and eventEnd times, and the updated values.

Example usage

  • Update adjustment events using a file:

    cat <<EOF > ./events.yaml
    - eventStart: 2024-10-24T04:07:04Z
    eventEnd: 2024-10-24T05:27:04Z
    - project: test-project
    name: sample-slo-1
    eventStart: 2024-10-24T03:07:04Z
    eventEnd: 2024-10-24T04:27:04Z
    - eventStart: 2024-10-25T04:07:04Z
    eventEnd: 2024-10-25T05:27:04Z
    - project: test-project
    name: sample-slo-2
    eventStart: 2024-10-25T03:07:04Z
    eventEnd: 2024-10-25T04:27:04Z
    sloctl budgetadjustments events update --adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name -f ./events.yaml
  • Update adjustment events using stdin:

    sloctl budgetadjustments events update --adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name -f - <./events.yaml

Available flags

N/A--adjustment-name(Required) The name of the adjustment.
-f--file(Required) Path to the YAML file with event updates.


The budgetadjustments events delete command removes specified past adjustment events from an SLO. You must provide a YAML file with event details, specifying eventStart and eventEnd times for the events you want to delete.

deleting budget adjustment definitions and events

Remember that there are two basic building blocks for handling budget adjustments in Nobl9: a budget adjustment definition and budget adjustment events.

To delete a budget adjustment definition, run the following command:

sloctl delete budgetadjustments [budget-adjustment-name]

Keep in mind that deleting a budget adjustment definition will not delete any budget adjustment events that have already occurred. To remove events associated with the deleted adjustment, use the following command:

sloctl budgetadjustments events delete --adjustment-name=[event-name] -f ./event-to-delete.yaml

Example usage

  • Delete events using a YAML file

    cat <<EOF > ./events.yaml
    - eventStart: 2024-10-24T04:07:04Z
    eventEnd: 2024-10-24T05:27:04Z
    - project: test-project
    name: sample-slo-1
    sloctl budgetadjustments events delete --adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name -f ./events.yaml
  • Delete adjustment events using stdin

    sloctl budgetadjustments events delete --adjustment-name=sample-adjustment-name -f - < ./events.yaml

Available flags

N/A--adjustment-name(Required) The name of the adjustment.
-f--file(Required) Path to the YAML file with event updates.


The completion command generates the autocompletion script for sloctl for the specified shell.

Example usage:

  sloctl completion [command]

Available commands

bashGenerate the autocompletion script for bash.
fishGenerate the autocompletion script for fish.
powershellGenerate the autocompletion script for PowerShell.
zshGenerate the autocompletion script for zsh.


-h--helpGet help.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.


The delete command allows users to delete different resources.

sloctl delete supports glob patterns when using the -f flag. It uses the standard Go glob patterns grammar and extends it with the support of '**' for recursive reading of files and directories.

The standard Go grammar can be found here.


Applying multiple objects through glob patterns might fail due to timeouts.

You can extend the timeout in your config.toml file by adding the following line to the relevant context, for example:

clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
project = "default"
organization = "production"
timeout = "1m" # Maximum value = 1 minute. If set to >1m, it defaults to 1m.

Only files with extensions: .yml, .yaml, and .json are processed when using glob patterns.

Additionally, before processing the file content, sloctl checks if it contains a Nobl9 API version with the following regex: "?apiVersion"?\s*:\s*"?n9.

Example usage:

  sloctl delete [flags]
sloctl delete [command]


  • Delete the configuration from slo.yaml:

    sloctl delete -f ./slo.yaml
  • Delete resources from multiple different sources at once:

    sloctl delete -f ./slo.yaml -f test/config.yaml -f <<https://my-definition.local/slo.yaml>>
  • Delete the YAML or JSON passed directly into stdin:

    cat slo.yaml | sloctl delete -f -
  • Delete specific resources by specifying their names:

    sloctl delete slo my-slo-name
  • Delete the configuration from slo.yaml and set the project context if it is not defined in the file:

    sloctl delete -f ./slo.yaml -p slo
  • Delete the configurations from all the files located at cwd recursively.

    sloctl delete -f '**'
  • Delete the configurations from files with the 'annotations' name within the whole directory tree. Remember that glob patterns must be quoted to prevent the shell from evaluating them.

    sloctl delete -f '**/annotations*'

Available objects:

  • agents, alertmethods, alertpolicies, alertsilences, alerts, annotations, budgetadjustments, dataexports, directs, projects, rolebindings, services, slos

For details, see Common Objects.


-f--file stringProvide a file path, glob pattern or a URL to the configuration in YAML or JSON format. This option can be used multiple times.
-h--helpGet help.
N/A--dry-runSubmits server-side request without persisting the configured resources.
sloctl delete --dry-run

When passed with the delete command, the --dry-run flag tests if your YAML definitions are correct.

Currently, the command provides a basic validation of YAML definitions: it acts like the delete command without persisting the changes.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.

Use sloctl delete [object] --help for more information about using the delete command with different objects.

When the specified objects have been deleted successfully, sloctl shows the following confirmation message:

sloctl delete -f example.yaml

The resources were successfully deleted.


The get command prints a table of the most important information about the specified resources.

Example usage:

  sloctl get [object]

Available objects:

  • agents, alertmethods, alertpolicies, alertsilences, alerts, annotations, budgetadjustments , dataexports, directs, projects, rolebindings, services, slos

For details, see Common Objects.

System annotations

sloctl doesn't return system annotations. When applying the sloctl get annotation[s] command, sloctl will return only annotations created by the user.


In Nobl9 release 1.66.2-3, the previous response from sloctl get alertpolicies is deprecated, and will be phased out in the future.

In subsequent updates, the command will return only the and metadata.project fields associated with the alert policy (instead of returning the entire block for the alertMethods object):

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: AlertPolicy
- metadata:
name: my-alert-method
project: my-project

We'll inform you about the full phase-out in a separate announcement.


-h--helpGet help.
-k--with-keysDisplay client_secret and client_id (available only for sloctl get agents).
-l--labelsFilter resources by label. For example: key=value,key2=value2,key2=value3.
-o--output stringSpecify the output format: one of `table

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.

Use sloctl get [object] --help for more information about using the get command with different objects.


  • If there are no objects of the given type associated with the given project, sloctl returns the following message:

    sloctl get slo

    No resources found in 'default' project.
  • If a user provides a valid type (e.g., slo) without a mandatory name, sloctl returns a list of objects:

    sloctl get slo

    - apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
    kind: SLO
    name: streaming-slo
    project: default
    - apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
    kind: SLO
    name: streaming-other-slo
    project: default
  • If a user provides an object type and name, sloctl returns only the specific object:

    sloctl get slo streaming-other-slo

    - apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
    kind: SLO
    displayName: Streaming Other
    name: streaming-other-slo
    project: default
    - budget-is-burning-too-fast
    budgetingMethod: Occurrences
    description: ""
    kind: Agent
    name: prometheus-source
    project: default
    promql: cpu_usage_user{cpu="cpu-total"}
    - displayName: Good
    op: lte
    tag: default.streaming-other-slo.100d000000
    target: 0.9
    value: 100
    - displayName: Poor
    op: lte
    tag: default.streaming-other-slo.200d000000
    target: 0.99
    value: 200
    service: webapp-service
    - count: 7
    isRolling: true
    begin: "2021-04-28T13:09:35Z"
    end: "2021-05-05T13:09:35Z"
    unit: Day
  • It is possible to pass multiple names, space-separated:

    sloctl get slo streaming-other-slo streaming-latency-slo
  • It is possible to combine flags. For instance, if you'd like to retrieve agents' secrets for all projects, you can use the following command:

    sloctl get agents -Ak
  • The -k flag works only with the sloctl get agents command. It retrives client_id and client_secret for all agents in the default project. If you want to retrieve client_id and client_secret for all agents in your organization, use the -A flag as follows: sloctl get agents -Ak.

    client_id and client_secret

    To get client_id and client_secret, Nobl9 sends a request for every agent in your organization. It means that every additional Nobl9 agent in your organization increases the waiting time for a response from sloctl.

    To reduce the waiting time, we recommend specifying in your sloctl command agents' names for which you want to retrieve the client_id and client_secret, for example:

    sloctl get agents my-agent1 my-agent2

get alerts​

Get alerts based on search criteria. You can use specific criteria using flags to find alerts related to specific SLO, objective, service, alert policy, time range, or alert status.

For example, you can use the same flag multiple times to find alerts triggered for a given SLO OR another SLO. Keep in mind that the different types of flags are linked by the AND logical operator.

sloctl get alerts returns alerts triggered in a given project only (an alert project is the same as the SLO project). If you don't have permission to view SLO in a given project, alerts from that project will not be returned.

sloctl get alerts

sloctl get alerts returns all active (unresolved) alerts that were or are active in the period defined by the --from and --to flags.

For example, if you select, the period for today between 12:00-13:00 and there was an alert triggered a week ago which is still unresolved, the sloctl get alerts command will also return such an alert.

Example usage:

sloctl get alerts [flags]


alerts, alert


  • Get all alerts triggered in my organization (max 1000).

    sloctl get alert -A
    • If you exceed this limit, sloctl will return the following warning message:
    Warning: 1000 new alerts have been returned from the API according to the provided searching criteria. Specify more restrictive filters (by SLO, objective, service, alert policy, time range, or alert status) to get more limited results.
  • Get only active (not resolved yet) alerts in my organization.

    sloctl get alert --triggered -A
  • Get a specific alert by the alert ID.

    sloctl get alert ce1a2a10-d74d-477f-b574-b278ee54e02b -A
  • Get alerts related to the reportsapi service or usersapi service in project prod.

    sloctl get alert --service reportsapi --service usersapi -p prod
  • Get resolved alerts for the specific alert policy and SLO in the specified project only.

    sloctl get alert --resolved --alert-policy slow-burn --slo usersapi-latency -p prod
  • Get alerts triggered for the slo usersapi-availability AND objective objective-1 in project prod.

    sloctl get alert --slo usersapi-availability --objective objective-1 -p prod
  • Get alerts triggered for slo usersapi-latency AND objective objective-1 OR objective-2 in project prod.

    sloctl get alert --slo usersapi-latency --objective objective-1 --objective objective-2 -p prod
  • Get alerts by a time range:

    • Alerts that were active yesterday:

      sloctl get alert --from 2023-03-22T00:00:00Z --to 2023-03-22T23:59:59Z -A
    • Alerts that were active yesterday and are still active now

      sloctl get alert --from 2023-03-22T00:00:00Z -A
    • Alerts that have been active until today:

      sloctl get alert --to 2023-03-22T00:00:00Z -A
In rare situations, sloctl won't return some alerts

This might happen because:

  • sloctl returns alerts for existing objects only (alert policies, SLOs, services, and objectives).
  • If you delete any objects, sloctl won't return alerts for them.
  • If you delete an SLO, alert policy, or service and recreate it with the same name, sloctl won't return results for it.
  • If you unlink an alert policy from an SLO, sloctl won't return alerts for it.
N/A--alert-policy stringGet alerts triggered for a given alert policy (name) only.
N/A--slo stringGet only alerts triggered for a given SLO (name).
N/A--objective stringGet alerts triggered for a given objective name of the SLO only.
N/A--service stringGet alerts triggered for SLOs related to a given service only.
N/A--resolvedGet alerts that are resolved only.
N/A--triggeredGet alerts that are still active (not resolved yet) only.
N/A--from stringGet active alerts after from time only, based on metric timestamp (RFC3339), for example 2023-02-09T10:00:00Z.
N/A--to stringGet active alerts before to time only, based on metric timestamp (RFC3339), for example 2023-02-09T10:00:00Z.
-h--helpHelp for the sloctl get alerts command.

Additional alert details​

sloctl returns detailed information about alerts triggered or resolved on the spec level. Run sloctl get alerts to see data for each condition, including the time of its onset (corresponds to the yellow interval in the alert chart), how long it lasted, and when it was last met. For Resolved alerts, you can see when the cooldown period started and the reason for the resolution. If an alert was canceled, the reason for cancellation is included as well.

spec.conditions[].status.FirstMetMetricTimeThe time at which the condition was first met, indicating when the metric value crossed the alert threshold for the first time.
spec.conditions[].status.LastsForMetMetricTimeThe duration for which the condition was met, even if the "lasts for" parameter is set to 0 minutes.
spec.conditions[].status.LastMetMetricTimeThe time at which the condition was last met, indicating when the metric value stopped meeting the alert threshold.
spec.coolDownStartedAtMetricTimeThe time at which the cooldown period started, applicable only for resolved alerts.
spec.resolutionReasonThe reason for resolution, particularly noteworthy for understanding why the alert was canceled.

The following YAML shows additional alert details for a triggered alert in lines 14–17 and 30-31.

apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Alert
displayName: Remaining budget is <2%
name: remaining-error-budget-is-2
project: default
- lastsFor: 1m0s
measurement: burnedBudget
op: gte
firstMetMetricTime: "2024-04-26T12:10:15Z"
lastMetMetricTime: "2024-04-26T12:11:15Z"
lastsForMetMetricTime: "2024-04-26T12:11:15Z"
value: 0.98
coolDown: 5m0s
displayName: so-so
name: objective-2
value: 600
severity: High
status: Triggered
triggeredClockTime: "2024-04-26T12:13:05Z"
triggeredMetricTime: "2024-04-26T12:11:15Z"

help (Start screen)​

sloctl -h
sloctl --help

Use this tool to work with definitions of SLOs in YAML files. For a list of commands available for execution, see Summary of sloctl Commands above.

Run sloctl [command] --help for more information about a command.

Example usage:

sloctl [command] --help


-h--helpGet help.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.


Replay pulls in the historical data while your SLO collects new data in real-time. The historical and original data are merged, producing an error budget calculated for the entire period.

Run sloctl replay to reimport data for a single SLO or multiple SLOs in bulk. Before replaying an SLO, it verifies the possibility to replay SLOs. A single SLO is replayed at a time (the current limit for concurrent Replays).

When Replay fails, it proceeds with the next SLO. Replaying SLOs takes time: one Replay job may take several minutes up to an hour. During that time, the command keeps on running, periodically checking the status of Replay. If you cancel the program execution or edit the SLO with an ongoing Replay, the ongoing Replay is not revoked.

  • You can run sloctl replay for existing SLOs.
    To replay a newly created SLO, run sloctl apply -f ./slo.yaml --replay --from=<time in the RFC3339 format>, where ./slo.yaml is a YAML definition file with your SLO.
    Learn more about sloctl apply
  • To replay an SLO, your role must be the Organization admin or Project editor in the project where your required SLO resides.
    Learn more about RBAC.
  • Replaying composite SLOs is supported in sloctl v0.3.0 or higher.
    Learn more about composites.
Replaying SLOs is a permanent action

Replaying SLOs is a permanent action and cannot be rolled back.

For more details, refer to Replay documentation.

Example usage:

sloctl replay -p [project-name] --from=[YYYY-MM-DDTh:mm:ssZ] [slo-name]


  • Replay the total-responses SLO from the cart project data from 2023-03-02 15:00:00 UTC until now:

    sloctl replay -p cart --from=2023-03-02T15:00:00Z total-responses
  • Replay SLOs using file configuration from replay.yaml:

    sloctl replay -f ./replay.yaml
    πŸ§ͺExperimental: Replay SLOs from another SLOs

    From sloctl version 0.6.0, you can use an experimental feature that allows you to replay an SLO by utilizing another SLO as the source of historical SLI data.

    See Replay documentation to learn how to set up the YAML configuration file to do that.

  • Read the configuration from stdin:

    sloctl replay <./replay.yaml
  • If the project is not set, it is inferred from Nobl9 config.toml for the current context.

    • If from is not provided in the config file, you must specify it with --from flag.
    • Setting project or from via flags does not take precedence over the values set in config.
    cat <<EOF | sloctl replay --from=2023-03-02T15:00:00Z
    - slo: prometheus-latency # string, the name of the SLO for which you want to run Replay
    project: prometheus # string, the name of the project the SLO is in
    from: 2023-02-02T15:02:05Z # date in the RFC339 format from which Replay will run until now
    - slo: datadog-latency
    project: datadog
    from: 2023-02-02T15:02:05+02:00
    - slo: lightstep-latency
    project: lightstep
    from: 2023-02-02T15:02:10+01:00
  • Minimal config with parameters set globally via flags.

    cat <<EOF | sloctl replay -p my-project --from 2023-03-02T15:00:00Z
    - slo: prometheus-latency
    - slo: datadog-latency
duration of replay

The reimport process for a single SLO may take up to an hour depending on:

  • The length of the replayed period
  • The number of objectives in your SLO
  • The number of unique queries used in your SLO


-f--file stringProvide a file path, glob pattern or a URL to the configuration in YAML or JSON format. This option can be used multiple times.
N/A--from dateDefine a time point from which your historical data will be fetched until now. The value must be in the YYYY-MM-DDTh:mm:ssZ format compliant with RFC339.
-h--helpGet help.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
N/A--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
N/A--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.


The version command prints the installed version of sloctl.


  sloctl version

The output includes the system architecture. For example:

sloctl/0.0.50-HEAD-bc7ec082 (linux amd64 go1.16.3)

sloctl config commands​

sloctl config command allows you to manage configurations stored in the .toml configuration file.


  sloctl config [command]


-h--helpHelp for config.

Global Flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.


The add-context command adds a new sloctl configuration context.

A context in Nobl9 is a configuration you use to access the Nobl9 app with your user account. It is a set of access parameters that includes a Client ID, Client Secret, and a Project.

You can switch between different contexts depending on what project you wish to work against in sloctl. For this see the use-context command below.

Example usage:

  sloctl config add-context

This is an interactive command that collects parameters in a wizard mode, as follows:

  1. Set the context name.

    New context name: Enter the context name and press Enter

  2. Set the Client ID. In the Nobl9 UI, the Client ID is generated by navigating to Settings > Access Keys > Create Access Key: Client ID:Enter the Client ID and press Enter

  3. Set the Client Secret. Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret and press Enter

  4. Set a default Project. The project can be overridden with the -p (--project) flag in any command. Project [default]: Enter the default project name and press Enter

  5. Indicate whether the newly created context should be set as the default now.

    • Set '{context name from Step 1}' as a default context? [y/N]: Type y (for Yes) or n (for No) and press Enter.


    Hitting Enter without selecting y or n defaults to No.


The current-context command displays configuration for the current context set in the configuration file.

Example usage:

sloctl config current-context

If you don't add any flags to the command, sloctl will return the following output:


If you add a -v (--verbose) flag to the command, sloctl will return the following output:

Example usage:

sloctl config current-context -v


context: default
ClientID: # secret
ClientSecret: # secret
Project: default


The delete-context command deletes one of the contexts in the configuration file.

The command requires exactly one argument with the context name.

Example usage:

sloctl config delete-context [contextName]


The get-contexts command displays one or many existing contexts.

Example usage:

sloctl config get-contexts

This command returns all user contexts. If you don't add any arguments to the command, sloctl will return the following output:

All available contexts [default, sandbox].

If you add a -v (--verbose) flag to the command, sloctl will return the following output:

All available contexts: [default, sandbox]

Context: default
ClientID: # secret
ClientSecret: # secret
Project: default

Context: sandbox
ClientID: # secret
ClientSecret: # secret
Project: default

If you specify one or more contexts in the command (sloctl config context-3 default -v), sloctl will return the following output:

All available contexts: [context-1, context-2, context-3, default, sandbox]

Context: context-3
ClientID: # secret
ClientSecret: # secret
Project: default

Context: default
ClientID: # secret
ClientSecret: # secret
Project: default


-h--helpGet help.
-v--verboseGet verbose output on the available contexts.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.


The rename-context command renames one of the contexts in the configuration file.

The command requires exactly two arguments with names of your contexts.

Example usage:

sloctl config rename-context [oldContext] [newContext]


You can define multiple contexts in sloctl, and the use-context command allows you to choose the default context. It is helpful if the user belongs to multiple organizations or wants to switch between different default projects.

Also see the add-context command above.

Example usage:

The use-context command sets the default context for sloctl.

  sloctl config use-context [context-name] # non-interactive mode
sloctl config use-context # interactive mode

When sloctl use-context is used in interactive mode and some contexts are already defined, the user is asked to select a context from the list (by typing its name at the prompt):

sloctl config use-context
Select the default context from the existing contexts [default, sandbox]:

When no contexts have been defined yet, sloctl returns the following error:

  Error: You don't have any contexts in the current configuration file.
Add at least one context in the current configuration file and then set it as the default.
Run 'sloctl config add-context' or indicate the path to the file using flag '--config'.


-h--helpGet help.

Global flags:

-A--all-projectsDisplay the objects from all of the projects.
--config stringSpecify the path to the config file (without this flag, sloctl checks in %UserProfile%\.config\nobl9\config.toml on Windows and ~/.config/nobl9/config.toml on other operating systems).
-c--context stringOverride the default context for the duration of the command.
--no-config-fileDon't create config.toml, operate only on env variables.
-p--project stringOverride the default project from the active context for the duration of the command.

Common errors and warnings​

The following are common errors/warnings that users may experience:

  • When a user applies a default context that does not exist:

    sloctl config use-context not-existing-context

    Error: There is no such context: 'not-existing-context'. Please enter the correct name.
  • When a user wants to add a context that already exists:

    sloctl config add-context
    New context name: local

    Context 'local' is already in the configuration file.
    Do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]:

    If the user answers n (for No), the following message is shown:

    Please try to add a new context with a different name.
  • When a context is configured with incorrect credentials, as in:

    (config.toml context)

    defaultContext = "local"

    clientId = "xyz"
    clientSecret = "xyz"

    and a user wants to invoke any command:

    Error: error getting new access token from the customer identity provider: cannot access the token, customer identity provider replied with 401 {"errorCode":"invalid_client","errorSummary":"Invalid value for 'client_id' parameter.","errorLink":"invalid_client","errorId":"oaejFe6MwoIRo200IuIj7Hp1g","errorCauses":[]}
  • When a user provides a path to an invalid file:

    sloctl apply -f xyz.yaml

    Error: error while reading provided file: open xyz.yaml: no such file or directory
  • When a user provides an invalid context name:

    sloctl config add-context
    New context name: ^

    Error: Enter a valid context name. Use letters, numbers, and `-` characters.

Use cases of SLO configurations​

For detailed examples of how to create SLOs for sample services using sloctl, refer to the Getting started guide.

sloctl releases