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Replay provides the ability to retrieve SLI data collected by your data source in the past.

You can use Replay when you need to recover missing or corrupted SLI data from your data source. It also allows you to create Service Level Objectives (SLOs) by retrieving historical data from the start, eliminating the need to wait for data to accumulate naturally over time. Additionally, Replay can help you backfill your SLO reporting. If you have a backlog of SLI data from the past few days or weeks, you can retrieve it using Replay and recalculate your remaining error budget.

How far back in time Replay can retrieve SLI data depends on the maximum period for historical data retrieval initially allowed by your data source.

Since using Replay can be resource-intensive, you might want to further limit this maximum duration at the integration level to avoid overloading. To do this, specify your preferred Maximum Period for Historical Data Retrieval when adding a data source to your Nobl9 organization.

The value for the maximum period for historical data retrieval must be less or equal to the value initially allowed by your data source.

When you need to replay SLOs on creation, configure this option for your data source first. Then, set the required period for historical data retrieval when creating the SLO.

Data retrieval period

Replay always retrieves SLI data up to the time it's been launchedβ€”you select only how far back the data will be retrieved.

Every organization in Nobl9 is limited to two concurrent Replays.
Subsequent Replays are queued and processed in order as Replay slots open up.

Replay at a glance​

  • With Replay, you can access historical data for new and existing SLOs.
  • Replay fetches historical data while your SLO collects new data in real-time. The historical and current data are merged, producing an error budget calculated for the entire period.
  • Data sources limit the data retrieval period. This period can be limited even more for your data source in Nobl9.
  • Replay always retrieves data until now.1
  • You can run two Replays simultaneously; further Replays are queued.
  • You can track Replays in the Job Status widget.
  • You can cancel queued Replays in the Job Status widget. However, cancelling ongoing Replays isn't possible.
  • SLOs with ongoing Replays display no data in the tiles and charts over the retrieved period until Replay is complete. Queued Replays don't affect SLO's tiles and charts.
    1"Now" means the moment of triggering Replay

Scope of support​

Supported data sources for Replay, their minimum required agent versions, and the maximum period for historical data retrieval:

Data source nameNobl9 agent minimum versionMaximum period for historical data retrieval
Amazon CloudWatch 0.65.015 days
Amazon Prometheus 0.65.030 days
AppDynamics 0.68.030 days
Azure Monitor 0.69.0-beta0130 days
Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus 0.78.0-beta30 days
Datadog 0.65.030 days
Dynatrace 0.66.028 days
Elasticsearch 0.85.0-beta30 days
Google Cloud Monitoring 0.79.0-beta30 days
Graphite 0.65.030 days
LogicMonitor 0.81.0-beta30 days
New Relic 0.65.030 days
Prometheus 0.65.030 days
ServiceNow Cloud Observability 0.65.030 days
Splunk 0.65.030 days
Other limitations
Amazon CloudWatch: only the Configurations queries are supported.
Google Could Monitoring: the historical data retrieval period can be less for some metrics, depending on Google's data retention period.

Replay configuration​

In the Data source wizard, define the Advanced settings > Historical data retrieval:

  • The Maximum period for historical data retrieval value sets the limits for how far back to the past Nobl9 can query data from your data source.
    The maximum period must be less or equal to the period initially allowed by your data source.
  • The Default period for historical data retrieval defines the period applied to replay SLOs based on your data source. This value is suggested by default as Period for historical data retrieval for SLOs created based on this data source. This value must be less or equal to the Maximum period for historical data retrieval set for this data source.


  • The values must be the whole positive numbers or zero.
  • Default period for historical data retrieval must be up to the maximum period set for this data source. You can override this value when creating SLOs.
  • Maximum period for historical data retrieval must be up to the maximum period allowed initially by your data source.
  • To replay SLOs based on this data source immediately on creation, set Maximum period for historical data retrieval to a non-zero value.

You can also set up replaying SLOs immediately on creation with the Nobl9 Terraform provider. For this, specify the value for retrieve_historical_data_from in your SLO definition.

For a more in-depth look, consult additional resources: