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Silence alerts

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See how to use the Alert Silence feature.
Tired of reading? Check out the video tutorial!
  • There's a configuration issue that cannot be immediately resolved, which causes an alert to be triggered on and off?
  • You can also have a known-bad SLO that won't recover for some time?
Silence your alerts!

There can be certain situations when you don't want to receive any alerts for a particular SLO with attached alert policies. In such circumstances, you can silence the alerts that originate from a specific SLO for a predefined period. During the defined time, you won’t receive any alerts about the silenced alert policy for the SLO.


Only Organization Admins or users with Project Owner/Edit permissions to a project where SLO belongs to can add/remove silence on an Alert.

Silence your alerts​

Follow these steps to silence an alert in the Nobl9 UI:

  1. Go to the Service Level Objectives page.
  2. In the SLO grid view, select the SLO for which you want to silence an alert and click the SLO name to open its details.
  3. Under the SLO details, click .
  4. In the pop-up window:
    • Choose the alert policy for which you want to silence your alerts.
    • Choose the required silence period in the Silence for section.

    You can also apply a custom range for the alert silence period. For this:

    1. Click Custom Range.
    2. Set the required dates in the calendar.
    3. Click Apply.

  5. Click Silence to apply changes.

Once you've applied your changes, you can see your silenced and scheduled alert silence:

  • In the (Un)silence Alerts pop-up:

  • In the right-hand details panel in the SLO details main view:

Unsilence your alerts​

Follow these steps to unsilence an alert in the Nobl9 UI:

  1. Go to the Service Level Objectives page.
  2. In the SLO grid view, select the SLO for which you want to unsilence an alert and click the SLO name to open its details.
  3. In the SLO details view, click .
  4. In the pop-up window, you can see with a list of all silenced alerts for the SLO. You can:
    • Click Unsilence Now to unsilence the selected alerts, or
    • Click Unsilence All to unsilence all silenced alerts:

Check out the configuration video:​

Video 1: Alert silence feature
Great job! You now know how to silence your alerts in the Nobl9 UI!