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ThousandEyes monitors the performance of both local and wide-area networks. ThousandEyes combines Internet and WAN visibility, browser synthetics, end-user monitoring, and Internet Insights to deliver a holistic view of your hybrid digital ecosystem – across cloud, SaaS, and the Internet. It's a SaaS-based tool that helps troubleshoot application delivery and maps Internet performance.

ThousandEyes parameters and supported features in Nobl9
General support:
Release channel: Stable Beta
Connection method: Agent Direct
Replay and SLI Analyzer: Not supported
Event logs: Supported
Query checker: Not supported
Query parameters retrieval: Supported
Timestamp cache persistence: Supported

Query parameters:
Query interval: 1 min
Query delay: 1 min
Jitter: 15 sec
Timeout: 60 sec

Agent details and minimum required versions for supported features:
Plugin name: n9thousandeyes
Query delay environment variable: THOUSANDEYES_QUERY_DELAY
Query parameters retrieval: 0.73.2
Timestamp cache persistence: 0.65.0


Nobl9 requires OAUTH_BEARER_TOKEN to communicate with ThousandEyes.


  1. Log in to your ThousandEyes account.

  2. Navigate to Account Settings.

  3. Select Users and Roles.

  4. Navigate to the bottom of the page and you will see User API Tokens.

  5. Select OAuth Bearer Token.
    Currently, Nobl9 only supports OAUTH_BEARER_TOKEN.

Adding ThousandEyes as a data source

To ensure data transmission between Nobl9 and ThousandEyes, it may be necessary to list Nobl9 IP addresses as trusted.

💻ip allowlist
IP addresses to include in your allowlist for secure access:

If you're using instance:
If you're using instance:

You can add the Thousandeyes data source using the direct or agent connection methods.

Direct connection method

Direct configuration for ThousandEyes requires users to enter their credentials which Nobl9 stores safely.

Nobl9 Web

Follow these steps to set up a direct configuration:

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Sources.
  2. Click .
  3. Click the required Source button.
  4. Choose Direct.
  1. Select one of the following Release Channels:
    • The stable channel is fully tested by the Nobl9 team. It represents the final product; however, this channel does not contain all the new features of a beta release. Use it to avoid crashes and other limitations.
    • The beta channel is under active development. Here, you can check out new features and improvements without the risk of affecting any viable SLOs. Remember that features in this channel can change.
  2. Enter your OAuth Bearer Token.
    Refer to the Authentication section above for more details.

  1. Select a Project.
    Specifying a project is helpful when multiple users are spread across multiple teams or projects. When the Project field is left blank, Nobl9 uses the default project.
  2. Enter a Display Name.
    You can enter a user-friendly name with spaces in this field.
  3. Enter a Name.
    The name is mandatory and can only contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters, and dashes (for example, my-project-1). Nobl9 duplicates the display name here, transforming it into the supported format, but you can edit the result.
  4. Enter a Description.
    Here you can add details such as who is responsible for the integration (team/owner) and the purpose of creating it.
  5. Specify the Query delay to set a customized delay for queries when pulling the data from the data source.
    • The default value in ThousandEyes integration for Query delay is 1 minute.
    Changing the Query delay may affect your SLI data. For more details, check the Query delay documentation.
  6. Click Add Data Source.


  1. Create a YAML definition to set up a direct connection with ThousandEyes. For this, refer to the following example:
YAML definition for the direct connection method
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Direct
name: thousand-eyes
displayName: ThousandEyes Direct
project: default
description: Example ThousandEyes Direct
releaseChannel: stable
oauthBearerToken: "[secret]"
value: 2
unit: Minute
enumSpecifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute.
• Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
numericSpecifies the value for the query delay.
• Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours).
• Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
booleanOptional. Defaults to false. Set to true if you'd like your direct to collect event logs. Contact us to activate it.
enumSpecifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable.
Source-specific fields
string, secretRequired to communicate with ThousandEyes. See authentication section above for more details.
  1. Apply your YAML definition using the sloctl apply command.

Agent connection method

Nobl9 Web

Follow the instructions below to configure your ThousandEyes agent.

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Sources.
  2. Click .
  3. Click the required Source button.
  4. Choose Agent.
  1. Select one of the following Release Channels:
    • The stable channel is fully tested by the Nobl9 team. It represents the final product; however, this channel does not contain all the new features of a beta release. Use it to avoid crashes and other limitations.
    • The beta channel is under active development. Here, you can check out new features and improvements without the risk of affecting any viable SLOs. Remember that features in this channel can change.
  1. Select a Project.
    Specifying a project is helpful when multiple users are spread across multiple teams or projects. When the Project field is left blank, Nobl9 uses the default project.
  2. Enter a Display Name.
    You can enter a user-friendly name with spaces in this field.
  3. Enter a Name.
    The name is mandatory and can only contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters, and dashes (for example, my-project-1). Nobl9 duplicates the display name here, transforming it into the supported format, but you can edit the result.
  4. Enter a Description.
    Here you can add details such as who is responsible for the integration (team/owner) and the purpose of creating it.
  5. Specify the Query delay to set a customized delay for queries when pulling the data from the data source.
    • The default value in ThousandEyes integration for Query delay is 1 minute.
    Changing the Query delay may affect your SLI data. For more details, check the Query delay documentation.
  6. Click Add Data Source.
  7. Deploy your agent in a Kubernetes cluster or Docker container.


  1. Create a YAML definition to set up an agent connection with ThousandEyes. For this, refer to the following example:
YAML definition for the agent connection method
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Agent
name: thousand-eyes
displayName: ThousandEyes Agent
project: default
description: Example ThousandEyes Agent
releaseChannel: stable
thousandEyes: {}
value: 2
unit: Minute
enumSpecifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute.
• Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
numericSpecifies the value for the query delay.
• Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours).
• Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source.
enumSpecifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable.
  1. Apply your YAML definition using the sloctl apply command.
  2. Deploy your agent in a Kubernetes cluster or Docker container.
For a more in-depth look, consult additional resources: