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Service level objective (SLO) guides

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Service level objectives (SLOs) are key to ensuring reliable service performance. They define a target level for service uptime or other performance indicators, helping you track reliability and meet user expectations. These guides provide practical advice and real-world examples to help you create, manage, and optimize your SLOs.

Select a guide to begin implementing effective SLOs for your services:

SLI aggregations
Metrics can be huge. For large ranges, data is downsampled to show key insights.
SLO calculations
Learn about SLO setup: metric types, error budget calculation methods, and time windows..
Error budget calculation methods: occurrences
Dive deeper into the Occurrences budgeting method.
Error budget calculation methods: time slices
Learn about target, value, and time slice allowance.
Calendar-aligned SLOs
Discover calendar-aligned windows and see which window type fits best for your SLO.
SLO sensitivity to incidents
See how properly selected budgeting method can impact SLO sensitivity without changing other settings.
Editing SLOs
What if your SLO needs fine-tuning? Discover the impact of SLO modification.
Reliability and error budget
Does low error budget mean poor reliability? Learn how error budget reflect the reliability of your system.
For a more in-depth look, consult additional resources: