YAML guide
This document explains how Nobl9 configurations are represented in the sloctl
API, and how you can express them in .yaml format.
Overall schema
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Agent | Annotation | AlertMethod | AlertPolicy | AlertSilence | BudgetAdjustment |
DataExport | Project | Report | RoleBinding | Service | SLO |
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Optional
labels: # Map, optional
"key_1": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
key: value # String, optional
Notes on the overall schema:
Field | Type | Description |
metadata.name mandatory | string | Field following DNS RFC1123 conventions. Constraints: • Max. 63 characters. • Only lowercase alphanumeric characters or hyphens. • Must start and end with an alphanumeric character. |
metadata.project mandatory | string | Field following DNS RFC1123 conventions. Constraints: • Max. 63 characters. • Only lowercase alphanumeric characters or hyphens. • Must start and end with an alphanumeric character. |
metadata.displayName optional | string | Can contain max 63 characters. There's no additional validation. |
metadata.labels optional | map | Labels are key-value pairs that can be attached to SLOs, services, projects, and alert policies. Labels are used to select Nobl9 objects and find collections of Nobl9 objects. Constraints: • Labels must be in the "key": - "value" format (key=value in sloctl ).• key can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes; must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric character; maximum length 63 characters.• value can contain Unicode characters; maximum length 200 characters. |
metadata.annotations optional | string | Metadata annotations are non-identifiable key-value pairs that can be attached to SLOs, services, projects, and alert policies. Metadata annotations are used for descriptive purposes only. Constraints: • Metadata annotations must be in the key: value format.• key can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes; must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric character; maximum length 63 characters.• value can contain Unicode characters; maximum length 1050 characters.See metadata annotations for more details. |
All names must be unique in the scope of one project.
It is not possible to have two objects of the same kind with exactly the same name in a given project.
When adding labels to a YAML definition, remember to put both key
and value
in parentheses (""
), for example:
- "green"
Otherwise, sloctl
may return the following error:
Error: malformed JSON payload - pass single list of valid JSON objects.
Overview of available YAML kinds
The following sections describe the types of objects that are available in Nobl9 and how to configure them.
The agent is middleware between the Nobl9 app and an external data source. It gathers metrics data and sends it to Nobl9. Agents need to be installed on the customer's server.
Refer to Sources for details about configuring the agent for each data source via sloctl
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha # Mandatory
kind: Agent # Mandatory
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Mandatory
description: string # Optional
- Metrics
- Services
releaseChannel: stable # Mandatory, enum
unit: Second | Minute # Mandatory, enum
value: numeric # Mandatory
# historicalDataRetrieval is an optional structure related to Replay
# Use only with sources that support it
# Otherwise, sloctl will return a validation error
value: 0 # Optional, numeric
unit: Minute | Hour | Day # Optional, enum
value: 0 # Optional, numeric
unit: Minute | Hour | Day # Optional, enum
Notes on fields specific to Agent
Field | Type | Description |
queryDelay.unit mandatory | enum | Specifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute . • Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source. |
queryDelay.value mandatory | numeric | Specifies the value for the query delay. • Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours). • Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source. |
releaseChannel mandatory | enum | Specifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable . |
Replay-related fields | ||
historicalDataRetrieval optional | n/a | Optional structure related to configuration related to Replay. ❗ Use only with supported sources. • If omitted, Nobl9 uses the default values of value: 0 and unit: Day for maxDuration and defaultDuration . |
maxDuration.value optional | numeric | Specifies the maximum duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer ≥ 0 . See Replay documentation for values of max duration per data source. |
maxDuration.unit optional | enum | Specifies the unit for the maximum duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day . |
defaultDuration.value optional | numeric | Specifies the default duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer ≥ 0 and ≤ maxDuration . |
defaultDuration.unit optional | enum | Specifies the unit for the default duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day . |
If you describe infrastructure as code, you might also consider creating agents via Terraform. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
When an alert is triggered, you can send a notification to an external tool or a REST endpoint (a web service). Alert methods can be associated with all available integrations.
- General YAML
- Working sample
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha # Mandatory
kind: AlertMethod # Mandatory
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Optional
description: string # Optional
# Only one of the following is possible per one AlertMethod definition
# Refer to alert methods documentation to see detailed specifications
# Or
# Or
# Or
# Or
# Or
# Or
# Or
# Or
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: AlertMethod
name: discord-notification
displayName: Discord notification
project: default
description: Sends message to Discord channel through webhook
# Nobl9 general Discord channel
url: <https://discord.com/api/webhooks/809803263775211571/D4-5q51DehrBpOAFND6naV8MgCQwmu1vpAwXrO8vPVflFt1bo6J0wMXzvFAttb_2CRjv>
If you describe infrastructure as code, you might also consider defining the alert methods with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
Alert policies define when to trigger an alert via the configured alert method.
A Nobl9 AlertPolicy
accepts up to three conditions.
All defined conditions must be met to trigger an alert.
In Nobl9 release 1.66.2-3, the previous response from sloctl get alertpolicies
is deprecated, and will be phased out in the future.
In subsequent updates, the command will return only the metadata.name
and metadata.project
fields associated with the alert policy (instead of returning the entire block for the alertMethods
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: AlertPolicy
- metadata:
name: my-alert-method
project: my-project
We'll inform you about the full phase-out in a separate announcement.
- General YAML
- Working sample
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha # Mandatory
kind: AlertPolicy # Mandatory
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Optional, if not defined, Nobl9 returns a default value for this field
labels: # A map of labels you want to attach to the AlertPolicy
"key_1": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
"key_2": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
description: string # Optional
severity: Low | Medium | High # Mandatory, enum
cooldown: "5m" # Mandatory, valid string duration, accepted units: s, m, h
- measurement: timeToBurnBudget | timeToBurnEntireBudget | averageBurnRate | burnedBudget | budgetDrop # Mandatory, enum
value: string or numeric # Mandatory
op: lt | gt | lte | gte # Optional, enum. Only the burnedBudget condition accepts all operators. If omitted, Nobl9 will use the default value. See Table below for default values for all conditions.
# Only one of the below paramaters are allowed per one condition
alertingWindow: "0m" # Optional, valid string duration. Default 0 (seconds | minutes | hours). Not allowed for the burnedBudget condition
# Or
lastsFor: "0m" # Optional, valid string duration. Default 0 (seconds | minutes | hours)
alertMethods: # You can attach several alertMethods
- metadata:
name: string # Mandatory, name of the alert method
project: string # Optional, define if you want to use an AlertMethod from a different project than that defined for AlertPolicy
- metadata:
name: string # Mandatory, name of the alert method
project: string # Optional, define if you want to use an AlertMethod from a different project than that defined for AlertPolicy
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: AlertPolicy
name: trigger-alert-policy-bad-delayed-multi
project: trigger-alert
registry: docker.io
visibility: internal
severity: Medium
cooldown: "5m"
- measurement: timeToBurnBudget
value: "18h"
op: lt
lastsFor: "30m"
- measurement: averageBurnRate
value: 1.9
op: gte
lastsFor: "30m"
- measurement: burnedBudget
value: 0.01
op: gte
lastsFor: "30m"
- metadata:
name: webhook-global-notification
project: server-production
- metadata:
name: webhook-notification
Notes on fields specific to AlertPolicy
Field | Type | Description |
metadata.annotations optional | string | Metadata annotations are key-value pairs that can be attached to SLOs, services, projects, and alert policies. Constraints: • Labels must be in the key: value format.• key can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes; must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric character; maximum length 63 characters.• value can contain Unicode characters; maximum length 1050 characters. See metadata annotations for more details. |
spec.cooldown mandatory | string | Duration representing the time measured since the last time point when all conditions were satisfied. Constraints:• Default value: 5m .• Accepted units: Seconds | Minutes | Hours. Examples: 5m , 1h , 30s .• The minimum allowable value is 5m , with no upper limit.• Must adhere to a valid time string duration format, see parse duration for more details. |
conditions[n].measurement mandatory | string | Measurement options for the condition:•timeToBurnBudget When the remaining error budget will be exhausted. The expected value is a string in time duration format; for example, 72h (3 days).
timeToBurnEntireBudget When the entire error budget will be exhausted. The expected value is a string in time duration format; for example, 72h (3 days).
averageBurnRate - how fast the error budget is burning
burnedBudget how much error budget has already been burnt. This contrasts with the UI, where the error budget is expressed in terms of the remaining amount. Each option corresponds to a specific measurement value and format.
3% .• budgetDrop – the relative drop in the error budget, measured in % |
conditions[n].lastsFor optional | string | Optional field indicating how long a given condition needs to be valid to mark the condition as true. • Default: 0 (seconds)• Accepted units: Seconds | Minutes | Hours • Examples: 5m , 1h , 30s |
conditions[n].alertingWindow optional | string | |
conditions[n].op optional | enum | A mathematical inequality operator; possible values are: • lte - less than or equal to (≤ )• gte - greater than or equal to (≥ )• lt - less than (< )• gt - greater than (> ) The default value of the operator depends on the measurement type: • For timeToBurnBudget op=lt • For timeToBurnEntireBudget op=lte • For averageBurnRate op=gte • For burnedBudget op=gte . • For budgetDrop op=gte |
Cooldown on the spec.conditions[]
level is allowed but deprecated:
If you define
on thespec.conditions[]
level, the maximum value from all conditions is saved. -
If you define
on both thekind: AlertPolicy
levels, Nobl9 will return a validation error.
If you describe infrastructure as code, you can also define the alert policy with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
allows you to turn off alerts that are attached to an SLO for a defined period of time. For more details, see Silencing alerts.
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: AlertSilence
name: alert-silence-name
project: default
description: AlertSilence description
slo: slo-name # the name of the SLO AlertSilence will be applied to
name: alert-policy-name # the name of the AlertPolicy AlertSilence will be applied to
period: # define period for the AlertSilence
startTime: 2025-01-01T12:00:00+02:00 # define the start date-time point where the Alerts will be silenced
endTime: 2025-01-01T13:00:00+02:00 # define the start date-time point where the Alerts will be silenced
duration: 1h # Mandatory, valid string duration
Notes on fields specific to AlertSilence
Field | Type | Description |
spec.alertPolicy mandatory | string | alertPolicy that AlertSilence will be applied to. spec.alertPolicy must be in the same project as AlertSilence and SLO . |
spec.period.startTime mandatory | string | Defines the date-time point where the alerts will be silenced. Must be in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format (ISO8601). |
spec.period.endTime mandatory | string | Defines the date-time point where the alerts will be silenced. Must be in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format (ISO8601). |
spec.period.duration mandatory | string | Defines the duration for which alerts will be silenced from the applying time. Accepted units: s | m | h . |
The SLO annotations service lets Nobl9 users add notes to their metrics. For more details, refer to SLO annotations.
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Annotation
name: string # Mandatory
project: string # Mandatory, the name of the project the annoation is attached to
slo: string # Annotation's objective
description: string # Optional
objectiveName: string # Optional, must refer to existing SLO Objective
startTime: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ # Mandatory, defined start date-time point
endTime: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ # Mandatory, defined end date-time point
Notes on fields specific to Annotations
Field | Type | Description |
metadata.name mandatory | string | A unique annotation name, required for distinguishing project annotations. |
spec.slo mandatory | string | The name of the SLO the annotation applies to. |
spec.description optional | string | A string (plain text) describing the annotation. The maximum number of characters is 1000. |
spec.startTime mandatory | string | Defines the date-time point where the annotation will be placed in the graph. The value must be in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format that complies with ISO8601. If startTime == endTime , the annotation will be placed at a single time point. |
spec.endTime mandatory | string | Defines the date-time point where the annotation will be placed in the graph. The value must be in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format that complies with ISO8601. If startTime == endTime , the annotation will be placed at a single time point. |
spec.objectiveName optional | string | Optional field allowing you to add an annotation to a particular, already existing SLO objective. If not specified, the annotation is attached to the SLO. |
Budget adjustment allows you to define future periods where planned maintenance, releases, and similar activities won't affect your budget in specific SLOs.
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: BudgetAdjustment
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
description: string # Optional
firstEventStart: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ # Mandatory, defined start date-time point
duration: 1h
- name: string # Mandatory
project: string # Mandatory
Field | Type | Description |
spec.firstEventStart mandatory | string | Scheduled start time for the first adjustment event. The expected value must be a string representing the date and time in the RFC3339 format. |
spec.duration mandatory | string | The duration of the budget adjustment event. Constraints: • The expected value for this field is a string formatted as a time duration • The duration must be at least 1 minute • The duration must be defined with a precision of 1 second • Example: 1h10m30s |
spec.rrule mandatory | string | The iCalendar recurrence rule for the budget adjustment event.Constraints: • The expected value is a string in the iCal RRULE format. • Example: FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=1 • Use RRULE calculator to create the desired recurrence rule. |
spec.filters.slos[] mandatory | string | A list of SLOs that will be attached to the budget adjustment event. |
Apply the following YAML to create the configuration to export your data from Nobl9. For more details, see the Data export documentation.
is a premium feature. Contact your Nobl9 sales representative to activate it.
- General YAML
- Working YAML
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: DataExport
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Optional
exportType: S3 | GCS # Mandatory, enum
bucketName: string # Mandatory
roleArn: string # Mandatory
Here’s a working example of YAML for exporting your data through sloctl
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: DataExport
name: s3-data-export
displayName: S3 data export
project: default
exportType: S3
bucketName: examplebucket
roleArn: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/example
Notes on fields specific to DataExport
Field | Type | Description |
spec.exportType mandatory | enum | Define where you want to export your data to: S3 or GCS. |
spec.bucketName mandatory | string | The name of the S3 or GCS bucket. |
spec.roleArn mandatory* | string | * Mandatory for S3 and Snowflake export types. This is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the Nobl9 agent is assuming to upload files. |
Direct configuration gathers metrics data directly from the external source based on provided credentials. You don't need to install anything on your server side.
Check Sources for details about configuring the direct for each data source via sloctl
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Direct
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: default # Mandatory, string
description: string # Optional
- Metrics
- Services
# Only one type of source configuration is allowed for Direct, for example:
releaseChannel: stable | beta # Mandatory, enum
unit: Second | Minute # Mandatory, enum
value: numeric # Mandatory, must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours)
logCollectionEnabled: false # boolean, defaults to 'false'. Set to true if you'd like your source to collect logs. Available for data sources connected using the direct method only. Reach out to support@nobl9.com to activate it. Not available for Splunk Observability.
# historicalDataRetrieval is an optional structure related to Replay
# Use only with sources that support it
# Otherwise, sloctl will return a validation error
value: numeric # Optional
unit: Minute | Hour | Day # Optional, enum
value: numeric # Optional
unit: Minute | Hour | Day # Optional, enum
Important notes on fields specific to Direct
Field | Type | Description |
queryDelay.unit mandatory | enum | Specifies the unit for the query delay. Possible values: Second | Minute . • Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source. |
queryDelay.value mandatory | numeric | Specifies the value for the query delay. • Must be a number less than 1440 minutes (24 hours). • Check query delay documentation for default unit of query delay for each source. |
logCollectionEnabled optional | boolean | Optional. Defaults to false . Set to true if you'd like your direct to collect event logs. Contact us to activate it. |
releaseChannel mandatory | enum | Specifies the release channel. Accepted values: beta | stable . |
Replay-related fields | ||
historicalDataRetrieval optional | n/a | Optional structure related to configuration related to Replay. ❗ Use only with supported sources. • If omitted, Nobl9 uses the default values of value: 0 and unit: Day for maxDuration and defaultDuration . |
maxDuration.value optional | numeric | Specifies the maximum duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer ≥ 0 . See Replay documentation for values of max duration per data source. |
maxDuration.unit optional | enum | Specifies the unit for the maximum duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day . |
defaultDuration.value optional | numeric | Specifies the default duration for historical data retrieval. Must be integer ≥ 0 and ≤ maxDuration . |
defaultDuration.unit optional | enum | Specifies the unit for the default duration of historical data retrieval. Accepted values: Minute | Hour | Day . |
Be cautious with the authentication details you input into the direct
YAML configuration. These details are encrypted and kept safe within Nobl9.
If you describe infrastructure as code, you might also define the alert policy with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
Objectives are the thresholds for your SLOs. You can use objectives to define the tolerance levels for your metrics.
An SLO objective unique identifier allows setting the same value for different SLIs within the same SLO.
As such, Nobl9 is adding a name
identifier to each SLO objective to ensure uniqueness in error budget calculations.
For more detailed information,
check SLO objective unique identifier.
- General YAML
- Working sample
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: SLO
- displayName: string # Optional
target: numeric [0.0, 1.0) # Mandatory, budget target for given objective of the SLO
value: numeric # Mandatory. Must be unique for each SLO objective. rawMetrics: the measurement for comparison against the target using the specified operator. countMetrics: legacy field, used as an objective unique identifier only
op: lte | gte | lt | gt # Mandatory, enum. An accepted comparative method for labeling an SLI, required for rawMetric only
timeSliceTarget: numeric (0.0, 1.0] # Required only when budgetingMethod is set to Timeslices
# countMetrics {good, total} should be defined only if rawMetric is not set
# If rawMetric is defined on the SLO level, raw data received from metric source is compared with objective value
# countMetrics good and total must contain the same source type configuration
incremental: true | false # Enum, mandatory
good: # Mandatory, query for good occurrences
total: # Mandatory, query for total occurrences
- displayName: string # Optional
target: numeric # Mandatory, budget target for given objective of the SLO
value: numeric # Mandatory. Must be unique for each SLO objective. rawMetrics: the measurement for comparison against the target using the specified operator. countMetrics: legacy field, used as an objective unique identifier only
op: lte | gte | lt | gt # Enum, required for rawMetric only
timeSliceTarget: numeric # Required only if the budgetingMethod is set to Timeslices
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: SLO
name: webapp-frontend
displayName: WebApp frontend service
project: default
description: SLO tracking the uptime for our frontend service
service: webapp-service
name: prometheus-source
- unit: Week
count: 1
startTime: 2020-01-21 12:30:00
timeZone: America/New_York
isRolling: false
budgetingMethod: Occurrences
- displayName: string
value: 0.95
target: 0.99
incremental: true
query: "sample query"
query: "sample query"
- pagerduty-alert
Notes on the objectives[]
sequence array list:
Field | Type | Description |
objectives[n].value mandatory* | numeric | * Mandatory. Must be unique for each SLO objective. In rawMetrics , it's the measurement for comparison against the target using the specified operator. In countMetrics is a legacy field, used as an objective unique identifier only. |
objectives[n].op mandatory* | enum | * Mandatory for rawMetrics only.A mathematical inequality operator; possible values for this field are: • lte - less than or equal (≤) • gte - greater than or equal (≥ )• lt - less than (< )• gt - greater than (> ) |
objectives[n].target mandatory | numeric | The budget target for the given objective of the SLO • Accepted range: [0.0, 1.0) |
objectives[n].timeSliceTarget mandatory* | numeric | * Mandatory only when budgetingMethod is set to Timeslices . • Accepted range: (0.0, 1.0] |
objectives[n].countMetrics mandatory | metric | Represents the query used for gathering data from metric sources. countMetrics compares two time series, indicating the ratio of the count of good values to total values for the measured occurrences.❗If the countMetrics field is defined, it's not possible to set rawMetric on the SLO level. |
countMetrics.incremental mandatory | boolean | Depending on the method of counting data (check the SLO calculations guide for more details): • If set to true (incremental method), Nobl9 expects the value of a metric to be the current sum of some numerator• If set to false (non-incremental method), Nobl9 expects it to be the components of the sum |
countMetrics.good mandatory | metric | Received data is used to compare objective (threshold) values to find good values (see the note below). |
countMetrics.total mandatory | metric | Received data is used to compare objective (threshold) values to find a total number of metrics (see the note below). |
and total
When choosing the query for the ratio SLI (countMetrics
), keep in mind that the values resulting from that query for both good and total:
- Must be positive.
- While we recommend using integers, fractions are also acceptable.
- If using fractions, we recommend them to be larger than
- If using fractions, we recommend them to be larger than
- Shouldn't be larger than
Nobl9 uses the threshold value to identify specific objectives to enable uniqueness in error budget calculations.
Set a unique target value across all objectives within one composite SLO
. Each objective of the SLO must have unique values.If you apply an SLO using countMetrics
with multiple objectives, make sure that the value for each objective is unique:
- countMetrics:
name: objective-1
target: 0.95
value: 1
- countMetrics:
name: objective-2
target: 0.91
value: 2
For more details, check Composite guide
Projects are the primary grouping of resources in Nobl9. For more details, see projects in the Nobl9 platform.
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Project
name: string # Mandatory
description: string # Optional
If you describe infrastructure as code, you can create a project with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
kind: Report
allows you to define System Health Review.
- General YAML
- SLO History
- Error Budget Status
- System Health Review
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Report
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
errorBudgetStatus: {} # Must remain empty
shared: true # Optional, boolean. Set to true if you want other Nobl9 users to see your report
filters: # You must specify at least one method of filtering by projects | services | slos
projects: # A list of projects you want filter your report by
- string # Mandatory, the name identifier of the project
services: # A list of services you want filter your report by
- name: service_name # String, the name identifier of the service
displayName: ""
project: project_name # String, the project where the service resides in
slos: # A list of slos you want filter your report by
- name: slo_name # String, the name identifier of the SLO
displayName: ""
project: project_name # String, the project where SLO resides in
service: service_name # String, the service where SLO resides in
labels: # A map of labels you want to filter your report by
"key_1": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
"key_2": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Report
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
shared: true # Optional, boolean, defaults to false
filters: # You must define at least one level of filtering from these three: projects, services, slos
- project-1 # Mandatory if filtering by projects
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
timeFrame: # Mandatory, rolling or calendar needed
count: 1 # valid 'unit' and 'count' pairs are: 1 Week, 2 Week, 4 Week, 1 Month, 1 Quarter, 1 Year
unit: Week
# Option 1 to configure timeFrame
# calendar: # 'calendar' must contain either 'unit' and 'count' pair or 'from' and 'to' pair
# count: 1 # valid 'unit' and 'count' pairs are: 1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Quarter, 1 Year
# unit: Week
# Option 2 to configure timeFrame
# calendar: # 'calendar' must contain either 'unit' and 'count' pair or 'from' and 'to' pair
# from: 2024-09-29
# to: 2024-10-29
timeZone: "America/New_York" # Mandatory
objects to see detailed descriptions:metadata
. Set to true
if you want other Nobl9 users to see your reportspec.filters
is an array of Nobl9 resources by which you want to filter the report. You must specify at least one method of filtering by projects
, services
, or slos
names you want filter your report by.filters.services[n]
you want filter your report by.filters.services[n].name
where the service resides in.filters.slos[n]
where the slo
resides in.filters.labels
timeFrame.calendar.from and .to
.apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Report
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
shared: true # Optional, boolean, defaults to false
filters: # You must define at least one level of filtering from these three: projects, services, slos
- project-1 # Mandatory if filtering by projects
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
errorBudgetStatus: {}
objects to see detailed descriptions:metadata
. Set to true
if you want other Nobl9 users to see your reportspec.filters
is an array of Nobl9 resources by which you want to filter the report. You must specify at least one method of filtering by projects
, services
, or slos
names you want filter your report by.filters.services[n]
you want filter your report by.filters.services[n].name
where the service resides in.filters.slos[n]
where the slo
resides in.filters.labels
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Report
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
shared: true # Optional, boolean, defaults to false
filters: # You must define at least one level of filtering from these three: projects, services, slos
- project-1 # Mandatory if filtering by projects
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by services
- name: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
project: string # Mandatory if filtering by slos
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
point: enum # Mandatory. One of: past | latest
dateTime: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ # Mandatory if point.past is defined
rrule: string # Recurrence rule definition. Use only if point.past is defined
timeZone: "America/New_York" # Mandatory
rowGroupBy: enum # Mandatory. One of: project | service
- displayName: string # Mandatory
labels: # Mandatory
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
- "value_1"
- "value_2"
- displayName: string # Mandatory
labels: # Mandatory
- "value_1"
redLte: float # Mandatory
greenGt: float # Mandatory
showNoData: false # Optional, boolean
objects to see detailed descriptions:metadata
. Set to true
if you want other Nobl9 users to see your reportspec.filters
is an array of Nobl9 resources by which you want to filter the report. You must specify at least one method of filtering by projects
, services
, or slos
names you want filter your report by.filters.services[n]
you want filter your report by.filters.services[n].name
where the service resides in.filters.slos[n]
where the slo
resides in.filters.labels
. Two options are available:
• latest
– shows data from the last received data point within the last hour
• past
– shows data for a defined past data point
is selected.Defined past point time from which you want to generate the report. The expected value must be a string representing the date and time in the RFC3339 format.
timeframes. Use only if snapshot.point.past
is selected.
Defining at least one column is required. The maximum number of columns per single Service Health Review report is 30.
logical operator. For labels with different keys, SLOs are filtered using the AND
A single RoleBinding
object allows the definition of the relation between exactly one user and exactly one role. Refer to RoleBinding for more details about managing role bindings via sloctl
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: RoleBinding
name: string # Mandatory, role name followed by username; for example, project-owner-adam
projectRef: string # Mandatory, referenced project
roleRef: string # Mandatory, referenced role
user: string # Mandatory, Okta User ID
Notes on fields specific to RoleBinding
Field | Type | Description |
metadata.name mandatory | string | Constraints: • The name must follow conventions defined in DNS RFC 1123. Refer to YAML Guide for further details. • If you create RoleBinding manually with sloctl , you can put any valid string for the name.• The name must be unique in an organization (for the Organization roles) or a project (for the Project roles).• RoleBinding created with sloctl is edited in Nobl9 UI. If you create project-owner-adam with sloctl , this object will be available on the Settings > Access Controls tab list in the UI. Then, you can edit the project-owner-adam object on the Users list.• If you configure a role in the UI first, it will generate a UUID for the name, and you need to get the RoleBinding through sloctl . |
spec.projectRef optional | string | The project in which we want the user to assume the specified role. |
spec.roleRef mandatory | string | The role you want the user to assume. |
spec.user mandatory | string | An Okta User ID that can be retrieved from the Nobl9 UI (Settings > Access Controls). |
If you describe infrastructure as code, you can manage role bindings with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.
A service in Nobl9 is a high-level grouping of service level objectives (SLOs). A service can represent a logical service endpoint like an API, a database, an application, or anything else you care about setting an SLO for. Every SLO in Nobl9 is tied to a service, and service can have one or more SLOs.
- General YAML
- Working YAML
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Service
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: default # Mandatory, string
description: string # Optional
apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: Service
name: webapp-service
displayName: WebApp Service
project: default
registry: docker.io
visibility: internal
description: Service to connect to internal notification system
If you describe infrastructure as code, you can create a service with the same convention. You can find more details in our Terraform documentation.