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RBAC groups

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We've extended RBAC by adding the Groups feature as an aggregator for role bindings.

Leveraging Groups, you can assign Role Bindings to every user in Nobl9 in bulk.


Note that Groups are available for Nobl9 Enterprise Edtion customers who have configured the SCIM synchronization with their Identity Provider (IdP), such as Okta.

Importing RBAC groups​

Groups in Nobl9 will be created when an Organization Admin synchronizes the group data from the organization's IdP. After a successful Nobl9 SCIM-IdP synchronization, an Organization Admin can view groups in Nobl9.

Organization Admins can easily set role bindings for your imported groups from an IdP using the sloctl apply command for the group RoleBindings.

Viewing RBAC groups in UI settings​

In the Nobl9 UI, an Organization Admin can view the Groups imported from the organization's IdP by navigating to Settings > Access Controls and selecting the Groups tab on the screen's left side.

Image 1: Viewing groups in Settings > Access controls

Viewing groups for specific users​

An Organization Admin can also view Groups to which a specific user has been assigned.

To do so, as an Organization Admin, go to Settings > Access Controls > Users and open the Details window for a specific user in the Users list:

Image 2: The Users list in Settings > Access Controls > Users

The User Details window features the Groups tab where you can view all group assignments for this specific user:

Image 3: Details for user group

Note that currently, Organization Admins can only view Groups in the Nobl9 UI.

To define Group-level role bindings, Organization Admins must use sloctl.

Also, if you're an Admin and you haven’t imported any groups from your IdP, you’ll still see group-related elements in the Nobl9 UI, but they’ll contain no information.