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Creating a composite

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This article provides prerequisites and steps to create a composite.

Currently, you can create a composite using sloctl and Terraform.

sloctl version

For full functionality, use sloctl version v0.3.0 or later.

Access requirements

To create a composite, the following permissions are required (fields with asterisks are mandatory):

Project*The Create projects permission
SLO (component)*The View permission to necessary components
Composite*The Create/Edit permission to SLOs in the required project
Alert policyThe Edit and apply permission to the required alert policies
Alert methodThe Apply permission to the necessary alert methods


  1. Create a YAML file following the provided template:
- apiVersion: n9/v1alpha
kind: SLO
name: string # Mandatory
displayName: string # Optional
project: string # Mandatory
description: string # Optional
alertPolicies: array of alert policy names # Optional
labels: # A map of labels you want to attach to the composite
"key_1": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
"key_2": # Label's key
- "value_1" # Label's value
- "value_2" # Label's value
attachments: # Optional, links you need to attach to your composite
- displayName: string # Optional
url: url # Mandatory when using attachments
budgetingMethod: Occurrences | Timeslices # Mandatory
- displayName: string # Optional
name: string # Mandatory
target: number # Mandatory
maxDelay: 1m-1h # Mandatory
- project: string # Mandatory
slo: string # Mandatory
objective: string # Mandatory
weight: float64 # Mandatory
whenDelayed: CountAsGood | CountAsBad | Ignore # Mandatory
service: string # Mandatory
- unit: enum # Mandatory, Day | Week | Month | Quarter | Year for calendar-aligned; Minute | Hour | Day for rolling
count: number # Mandatory
isRolling: boolean # Mandatory, true for the rolling time window, false for calendar-aligned
startTime: a timestamp in the 24h format without the time zone # Mandatory for calendar-aligned time windows
timeZone: string # Mandatory for calendar-aligned time windows

Read the field reference for more information.

  1. Run sloctl apply -f %path-to-your-YAML%

As a result, your composite appears in the grid under the Service Level Objectives Nobl9 Web section.

objective limit

You can add up to 20 objectives per single composite SLO