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Using on the Nobl9 Web

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You can add user annotations in the SLO details page on any chart.

For this, do the following:

  1. Click the required area on the chart and enter your note.
    Up to 1000 characters per note.

  2. Optional: Modify start and end time for your annotation.
    When skipped, both dates are set to startTime.

    adding user annotation
    Adding user annotation
  1. Once done, click ADD ANNOTATION
    As a result, your added annotation is displayed on the objective's charts in SLO details.

    active user annotation
    User annotation
Layering annotations
You can add annotations in the overlapping time spans.
Read more
View annotationClick the annotation's icon above the chart.
Delete annotation
  1. Open the required annotation.
  2. Hover the mouse over the annotation. Click .
  3. Click DELETE to confirm.
Show and hide annotations on SLO details
  1. Click next to your SLO name.
  2. Select Annotations.
  3. Turn ON or OFF the required annotation type
Show and hide annotations in SLO History reports
  1. Click Annotations in the report header.
  2. Turn ON or OFF the required annotation type.
  3. Click Apply.
For a more in-depth look, consult additional resources: