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Nobl9 Application (1.58)

· 5 min read
We've just released Nobl9 1.58! Release highlights:

Release details

Alerting condition: Entire budget would be exhausted

When creating an alert policy, you can now configure a new alert condition: the Entire Error Budget would be exhausted. You can do it in Nobl9 UI, sloctl, and Nobl9 Terraform provider.

Alert condition

To improve Nobl9 alerting logic, we've renamed the existing condition, Error budget would be exhausted, to Remaining error budget would be exhausted to reflect the difference between the two.

You can thus decide what you'd like to be alerted on:

  • Budget burn time prediction based on the remaining error budget
  • The entire error budget of an SLO.

The new Entire Error Budget would be exhausted condition is insensitive to the amount of the already burned budget. On the other hand, the Remaining error budget would be exhausted condition becomes more sensitive as your remaining error budget decreases; once your SLO has burnt its budget, even the slightest amount of burn will trigger an alert.

Synchronizing user groups from Azure Active Directory

If you're using Azure Active Directory (AD), you can synchronize user groups of your choice to Nobl9 through the SCIM protocol.

AD user group synchronization lets you automate onboarding new Nobl9 users by streamlining access management to different areas. With this feature, you can assign organization and project roles to specific groups and manage permissions on the group level.

Users assigned to a group in Azure AD will be automatically assigned to the same group in Nobl9 and receive corresponding permissions. Similarly, users removed from a group in Azure AD will also be removed from the group in Nobl9. They'll also lose access to Nobl9 resources granted through that group.

When working with Azure AD, you can choose which user groups should be synchronized. This means you don’t have to worry about synchronizing your Azure group data but can select the specific groups relevant to your needs.

If you'd like to use the Azure AD (or other IdP) group synchronization, contact Nobl9 support. Our team will assist you with the initial setup.

Support for Lightstep UQL moved to stable

ServiceNow Cloud Observability Unified Query Language (UQL) is now available for everyone, as it has come out of beta. You no longer need to switch to the beta channel to use Lightstep UQL metrics in your SLOs.

Check our documentation to learn more.

Support for Query delay moved to stable

The custom Query delay feature for your data sources (previously in beta) is now available for everyone. You can now easily manage how long metrics need to stabilize, which can be especially helpful for sources that take longer to gather metrics.

Switching between Stable and Beta release channels

You can now switch your data sources to the Nobl9 Beta channel, using UI or sloctl.

We've introduced release channels to protect the integrity and stability of your data. The beta channel is a distribution channel that showcases the latest innovations and the newest functionality, tested to deliver the best early-access experience possible.

New functionalities and improvements developed for our data source integrations are initially released to the beta channel and made available to users who opt into the beta channel with their data source.

After some time and sufficient usage, we'll move these features to the stable channel and make them available for everyone.

Channel Selection

ThousandEyes integration: DNS and HTTP Server tests (beta)

You can now use your ThousandEyes DNS and HTTP server tests to create SLOs. We’ve extended the list of available ThousandEyes tests, so you can set up SLOs with the metrics you care for. The following new ThousandEyes metrics are available through Nobl9:

  • DNSSEC—valid
  • Server metrics—resolutionTime
  • HTTP Server—totalTime
DNS and HTTP Server Tests

To use new ThousandEyes metrics, make sure your agent’s version is at least v0.67.0-beta04 or update your direct ThousandEyes data source to use the beta release channel.

Raised Limits for Replay and SLI Analyzer

To streamline the usage of Replay and SLI Analyzer, we’ve raised the limits of allowed historical data import jobs to 2 per organization. Also, with the improved Job Status widget, you can track usage and available Replay and SLI Analyzer slots. Moreover, we've included additional details on the Job Status widget. You can now check:

  • Details about Relay and Analyzer processes
  • Statuses of import jobs
  • Who ran imports
Analyzer Widget

Labels added to data export

We’ve added information to data exports. You can now use labels to filter your exported data to focus on the SLOs you’re looking for.

Expand and collapse all services on the SLO grid view

To simplify navigating your SLOs, we’ve introduced quality-of-life improvements to the SLO grid view. You can now observe the number of displayed SLOs and services and expand or collapse the service list below.

Expand and collapse list

Reset the width of the SLO tree navigation on the SLO grid view

You can now reset the width of your SLO tree navigation panel to its original size by double-clicking on its border.

SLO tree navigation

Alert policy list

You can search the alert policy list by Name, Project, Severity, and Labels. The list will be paginated to improve performance if you have more than 50 alert policies.

Alert policy list

Access permissions view

We’ve updated the Access permissions view. It now includes user group information to provide more context on the origin of your access permissions.

Access permissions view

Documentation updates

SLI Analyzer: updated section about limitations and the Job Status widget (formerly Organization Processes widget)
Alerting use case: moved from SLOcademy and corrected
Data export: added labels in the output schema
ThousandEyes: DNS & HTTP server tests
Query delay: removed the beta tag